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Licensing virtual images

There are several types of licenses for virtual WebHMI images. All licenses differs in number of register you can use in connection tree:

  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 2000
  • Unlimited nubmer of registers

Free (trial)

This licenses allows all functions with some lmitations:

  • Up to 10 external registers
  • Up to 5 dashboards
  • Up to 3 days log storage depth

Time - limited

  • time - bound license, the license expires after specific date
  • duration - bound license, the license expires after usage time elapses

Full license

Full licenses don't expire over time, but they connects to Level2 license server once per 2 weeks to validate their license.

licensing_vm.1642097561.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/13 18:12 by emozolyak

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