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Helvar light control comm. protocol

Please refer to the HelvarNet communication protocol for usage. This protocol is using ASCII messaging. According to the documentation the routers in the lighting system support either ASCII or RAW format.

Message Format Any message sent to, or received from, a router can be in either ASCII or raw binary form (see Command Format for more information). Messages must not exceed the maximum length of 1500 bytes. The format of the data contained within messages is defined by the protocol. A query reply message from the router will be in the same format as the query command message sent i.e. if a query message is sent in ASCII form then the reply will also be in ASCII.

The usage of this protocol is as follows:

  1. Your application logic, e.g. recipe selection boxes on the dashboards chooses scenario id and writes it to the register
  2. Lua script monitors scenes ids written and converts them to the strings according to the HelvarNet protocol
-- delimiters 
FULL_ETX    = '#'
function onScanStart ()
    now = os.time()
function createDevices ()
   addDevice{name = "CMD",     shift = 0, base = 10, xtraFields = {} }
function readRegister (reg, device, unitId)
    if (not readBuffer) then 
        readBuffer = 'no data' 
    return readBuffer -- will be assinged in writeRegister
function writeRegister (reg, device, unitId, newValue)
    sendString_(newValue) -- expects string to be written externally 
   local buf = {} 
       local currentFrame = readUntil(PARTIAL_ETX, FULL_ETX) 
       local lastChar
       if currentFrame then 
           table.insert(buf, currentFrame)
           lastChar = currentFrame[#currentFrame]
   until (not lastChar or (lastChar == FULL_ETX))
   if (#buf > 0) then 
        readBuffer = table.concat(buf)
   return true 
-------------------------- Helpers --------------------------
function sendString_(s) -- new sendString version 
    local sendBuf = {} 
    for i = 1, #s do 
        table.insert(sendBuf, s : byte(i) )
function readUntil(endByte1, endByte2) -- read input buffer untils endByte(s) or timeout 
    local ONE_BYTE = 1 
    local buf = {}
        local rb = readBytes(ONE_BYTE) 
        if rb then 
            rb = rb[ONE_BYTE]
            table.insert(buf, rb)
    until (not rb or (rb == endByte1 or rb == endByte2))
    return ((#buf >= ONE_BYTE) and buf) or false 
helvar.1684617134.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/05/20 21:12 by emozolyak

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