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faq [2021/08/27 10:18] emozolyakfaq [2024/04/03 08:14] – [Resetting project from network settings] emozolyak
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-====== Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ====== 
 ===== Screens, Dashboard visualization ===== ===== Screens, Dashboard visualization =====
 +==== Responsive design with screens ====
 +  Question: Is it possible to make a responsive visualizatoin with WebHMI? 
 +Starting from 3.6 version and [[screens?s[]=screens#screens|screens]] it is possible to make responsive visualization with WebHMI.
 +Please follow the screen documentaion page to make an idea of its possibiliies. 
 +E.g. if your screen looks like this one on the desktop large monitor:
 +{{ network:hvac_full_screen.png?direct&800 |}}
 +then on the mobile device it will fold in into these:
 +{{ network:widget_swipe_hvac.gif }}
 +If you want your widgets with dashboard to take all available space of the widget, set his option: 
 +{{ network:panel_contained_option_red_box.png?direct&600 |}}
 +Other project parts like graphs etc. will also adjust their size:
 +{{ network:graph_mobile_view.png?direct&400 |}}
 +==== Image animation  ==== 
 +There are 3 ways how to animate your images: 
 +=== Sprite animation ===
 +With this tool you have to prepare all frames for animation as one image, aligned horizontally or vertically. When importing this image to image library, you just set the number of frames and aligment. 
 +In the [[image_library|image library]], click the image file name to edit its properties: 
 +{{ :dashboards:image-library:image-lib-adding-sprite.png?direct&800 |}}
 +After you specify number of sprites and other settings, you will see how it would look like.. 
 +{{ :dashboards:image-lib:sprite-image-setup.png?direct&800 |}}
 +=== Dynamic properties usage ===
 +You can map several images to the register's states or values or bits. Then images will changes accordgingly. 
 +Please refer to the [[dashboards#dynamic_properties|dashboard dynamic properties article]].
 +=== Changing element properites with JS ===
 +Another possibility is using JS to control dashboards elements properties. This method is available on a project basis.
 ==== Screen text widget ==== ==== Screen text widget ====
 === Colorizing register values into custom colours === === Colorizing register values into custom colours ===
-  Q: In my screen widget I want the register values have custom colour.+  Question: In my screen widget I want the register values have custom colour. I set a color for them, but still  
 +  they are black/white colours (depending on theme)
 <WRAP center round tip 100%> <WRAP center round tip 100%>
-The register values in the WebHMI are coloourized using this rule:  +The register values in the WebHMI are colourized using this rule it is either default value color, or the color defined in the register [[registers?s[]=state#states_tab|STATE]]. There is a default register value style which overrides text widget styles for values.  
-it is either default value color, or the color defined in the register [[registers?s[]=state#states_tab|state]].  +So, to make your register value of a desired colour, set a STATE for the register with the colour you want
-there is a default colour register value style  which overrides text widget styles for values..+
-the value colour can be either STATE COLOR or DEFAULT VALUE color.+</WRAP> 
 +{{ network:text_widget_reg_value_colors.png?direct&600 |}}
-So, to make your register value of desired colourset STATE for the register with the colour for this stateThen the register will have the colour you want+===== Performance issues ===== 
 +==== My WebHMI is slow ==== 
 +There are many reasons why your device may slow downa "disable function & try" method should be applied to detect the source of this problem.  
 +Below a summary of the possible causes is provided: 
 +== Screens / Dashboards == 
 +  * Use screens wherever is possible for visualisation and use dashboards as part of screens for graphic part, which can not be done with the screens. 
 +  * Avoid using bulky DASHBOARDS (too rich in elements, having heavy-weight pictures , trends with long time window etc. ) , normal dashboard is about tens of KB, not MB! 
 +  * Set appropriate refresh time in the settings. 
 +  * Keep the number of open tabs minimal for the current sessionsIf you need multiple tabs, use auto-close session checkbox to prevent unattended access. 
 +=== Scripts === 
 +  *Avoid using many scripts (like dashboards scripts or upon change value scripts). The better way is using a few big scripts or scripts with libraries  instead of a lot of small scripts (each script takes some os environment) 
 +  *Run scripts upon changing value, minimize the number of scripts, running in each scan 
 +  *Minimize "WriteReg" Lua instructions in each scan.  It is better to use wrapping function UpdReg(), which writes to register only if value has changed. 
 +=== Communication ===  
 +  *Group register to read on external device and use group reading. 
 +  *Decrease timeout and tries in external connections  if it possible. Use auto-drop&try for not available connections. 
 +  *Organize and set different reading periods for variables. 
 +  *Keep the actual T1 time less than system scan set in the settings. this will give more "room" for OS' background processes. 
 +=== Writing to log ===  
 +  *Minimize logging many registers to DB, 
 +  *Set appropriate log speed for the registers.check you don'have many events logged each scan. 
 +=== Development process === 
 +  *Keep the number of registers in the project below 2-3K 
 +  *During development, keep track of the Load Average parameter it should be below 1  (but can have short bursts above this value, which ought to fall soon) 
 +  *Avoid making simultaneous changes at once, like turning OFF-ON many regs, connection, scripts etc. Use save & apply feature of the latest fw. (apply all changes at once, instead of creating a queue for changes..) 
 +  *In the comm. log, you can set TRACE level and see what times each operation takes (each connection, script, communication with device etc.), checking timestamps 
 +===== Hiding project parts from end user ===== 
 +Usually, after completion of your project, you give restricted access to the project parts using roles & users mechanism. Please read more in this [[ managing_users | article]]. 
 +==== Hiding project setup menu ==== 
 +There is a special setting in the user properties you can use for hiding setup menu. 
 +{{ ::users:users-list-faq.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +{{ :users:users-with-restricted-access-to-setup-menu.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +===== Data export ===== 
 +===== Using ready tools for data export ===== 
 +==== Can not export data to Excel ==== 
 +  Question: In my WebHMI there is no option to export data to Excel, though it has been earlier on other devices.   
 +For the sake of storage savings, some functions of the WebHMI are implemented as external modules (so called Downloadable Content, or DLC), i.e. there are absent in the software until they will be downloaded to the device. This happens on the fresh device or after fw upgrade, when you visit //About// page.  
 +<WRAP center round info 80%> 
 +The WebHMI must be connected to the internet for that. 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ ::text_widget_reg_value_colors.png?direct&600 |}}+====== MQTT issues ====== 
 +===== Values type conversion ===== 
 +==== Can not get required precision on internal register when copying data from MQTT ==== 
 +I have a MQTT string value, coming from a MQTT connection. When I copy this register to internal WebHMI register, 
 + the fraction part is lost, e.g. "36.6" becomes 36 or 36.0 if I try to set the precision. 
 +You have to set Double Word, float IEEE754 type for the register. Use this script to copy the MQTT value to internal memory register.  
 +<code lua> 
 +function main (userId) 
 +  local mqttValue = R(1)                   ; INFO(mqttValue) ; INFO(type(mqttValue)) 
 +  local floatValue = tonumber(mqttValue)   ; INFO("floatValue = " .. floatValue) 
 +  W(2, floatValue) 
 +Register setup example:  
 +Use debug console to test your scripts:  
 +{{:iot:mqtt:type-conversion:mqtt-to-float-converstion-console-output.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +====== Level2 ====== 
 +===== How to connect my device to the Level2's IoT core? ===== 
 +Please refer to this [[connect_iot_device_to_l2|article]]. 
 +====== Compatibility issues ====== 
 +==== Resetting project from network settings ==== 
 +Can not login after fw upgrade. 
 +Sometimes you may upgrade your WebHMI to the newer version with the old project on it. In some cases, depending on your firmware combinations you may not login successfully into the system. You can reset WebHMI project from the network settings then.  
 +After that, restore the backup again. 
 +{{ :network:management:webhmi-reset-from-net-settings_.png?direct&800 |}} 
 +====== Networking ====== 
 +===== Wifi ===== 
 +Question: Can I add more than one WiFi client connection?  
 +Yes, you can. But only one of them can be active at the moment.  
 +===== Access over HTTPS ===== 
 +Question: Can I access WebHMI via HTTP protocol?  
 +When you access it via Level2 http proxy service, https is provided by the Level2.  
 +However if you do need https directly, this can be done individually. Please provide access to the device for our service.  
faq.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 13:14 by emozolyak

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