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Creating and managing dashboards

In WebHMI, screens or dashboards (Dashboards) are analogous to screens for operator panels or graphic screens in SCADA systems. You can create multiple screens that will be available after you create them in the Dashboard menu. For example, let's create the 'The only dashboard' screen, using the menu item 'Setup / Dashboards'.

The basic info tab has the following settings:

  • Version - starting from 3.1 firmware version, the dashboard editor is incompatible with previous versions, and for compatibility reasons this option allows users to choose dashboard version, so that existing project in version below 3.1 still can be upgraded without modifications of the original dashboards. The project may have several dashbards in different versions.
  • Title - this title is dispalayd in the side menu and above the dashboard
  • Category - allows to arrange dashboards in the menu:

But if it is the only dashboard, its title will be displayed in the side bar without Dashboards or Category entries:

  • Hide from menu checkbox - if checked this dashboard won't be shown in the Dashboards menu on the side bar. Is still can be accessed via link buttons on the dashboards.
  • Hide navigation checkbox - if checked the side bar will hide automatically when viewing this dashboard
  • Width and Height - the dimensions also can be set right in the dashboard editor by dragging bottom or right margin of the workspace
  • Grid size - the objects on the dashboard will glue to this grid when being moved. Holding Shift will move them without grid increment.
  • Background color - Background color
  • Font color - this setting is for old version only. Sets default font color of the text elements.
  • Top panel background color - it is this color:

Templates tab - allows multiple usage of the same dashboard graphic with different (but similar) physical connections and registers. More on this in special section.

Permissions tab - here you may select which users can access this dashboard.

Dashboard list

  1. go to the dashboard page for viewing
  2. go to the dashboard page for editing
  3. modify dashboard's settings as were described above
  4. delete dashboard from the list
  5. clone - creates a copy of this dashboard

You can arrange the order in which dashboards are shown in the side bar by dragging rows in the list.


You can start editing dashboard either from the dashboard workspace or from the (2) button in the list:

The editor layout is given below:

  1. Workspace
  2. Tool pallette
  3. View/edit switch mode button and save changes button
  4. Bottom and right margins are moved to set dashboard size
  5. Cursor coordinates


The objects are placed and arranged in the workspace.

The grid facilitates neat alignment of the objects. Bold lines are placed at x2 interval of the actual grid size defined in settings so the grid size is a distance from bold line to thin one.

Holding Shift down while moving an object switch off gluing to grid for precise placement.

Zooming is possible with a mouse wheel scroll.

In a large zoom, Pan is possible with mouse wheel pressed.

Multiple selection is possible in two ways:

  • with Shift held down while clicking on objects
  • using selection rectangle


  • Ctrl+Z (Undo), Ctrl+Shift+Z (Redo)
  • Ctrl+X(Cut), Ctrl+C(Copy), Ctrl+V(Paste)

Mouse Right - click activates context menu if there is an object at the cursor position (if there are many objects, a selection list will be provided).:

Tool pallette

There are three tabs in the Tool Pallette: Controls - to pick up a control for workspace

Properties - to modify control's properties

Group - group operatoins for selections with more than one control

Dynamic properties

The controls reflects the process or system being monitored state changings its properties which in their turn are linked to the register values. This is called dynamic properties. For exammple, a button coordinates, layer, size are static (constant), while the button text or color may change dynamically.

- this mini button marks the control's property which can be dynamic. E.g. for the LED control these properties may be dynamic:

If the element has dynamic property enabled, this button becomes colorized:

The example of dynamic property setup dialog is given below:

In the example the Color property of the LED is controlled from the DS0 register . If the register has 0 or 1 value, color property will change accordingly to green or red (also it will blink when DS0 = 1).

Propertiies can match not only to specific register values, but to state, bit, or some range:

The Add button serves to extend the properties set, with only exception - if you choose get register's value, then this value itself will become color RGB mask, height in pixels, rotation angle or other control's property.

Default value will be applied to a property if the register's content does not match any rule.

These properties are all with dynamic settings and won't duplicate in the control explanations:

  • Hide, X/Y position, Width and Height, Rotation angle

Controls description

LED control

LED has the following properties:

  • Hint - will be displayed when cursor hovers over the LED
  • Color - LED color (d)
  • Border width - set border width in pixels
  • 3D - adds gradient to LED for 3D effect
  • Lock position - protect LED's coordinates from unintentional changes, but still the element can be deleted.
  • Layer - arrows send control to layer (bottom, lower, higher, top)

(d) - means the property can be dynamic

Text value

Only specific for text properties will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

  • Label - It is a text before register value text
  • Font family - Listbox for a font selection
  • Font size - sets font size
  • Text align - left, center or right alignment is possible
  • Text color - sets text label color (d)
  • Background color - sets background color (d)
  • Horizontal padding - it is indent from left and right text field borders
  • Border color - outer text field border color (d)
  • Corner radius - to smooth corners of the text fields with visible borders
  • Register - links a register to the value's text. The register value is shown after the label. If the register has dictionary, then dictionary entry is shown.
  • Value color - With dynamic property the value color may differ from label color. (d)
  • Allow change value - with checkbox set (static property), the user can change the value. With dynamic property the value in another register can enable or disable this property. (d)

After click on the text with 'allow change value' enabled, a pop-up dialog will displayed:

(d) - means the property can be dynamic


Only specific for this control properites will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

  • Transparent - the button will be invisible but working. E.g. to lay it over the image.
  • Press color - when pressed, the button will change color to this color
  • Icon - there is a set of ready icon which cab be placed before or instead button label
  • 3D - adds shadow
  • Press label - when pressed, the button will change its label to this one
  • Toggle Mode - when pressed, the button will remain in this state
  • Press value - on button press action, the value will be written to the linked register
  • Release value - on button release action, the value will be written to the linked register
  • Press script - on button press action, this script will be launched
  • Release script - on button release action, this script will be launched
  • Press recipe - on button press action, this recipe will be applied
  • Release recipe - on button release action, this recipe will be applied


Only specific for this control properites will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

  • Image - this image is the default image on display, when no register is linked to the image or no dynamic property for the image is defined
  • Native size - press this button to recover original image size
  • Keep aspect ratio - protects Width to Height proportion from change
  • Press image - the image may function as a button. When pressed, the image will be changed to this one.
  • Press/Release Value/Script/Recipe settings - the same as in button control

Progress bar

Only specific for this control properites will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

  • Orientation - defines horizontal or vertical type for the progress bar
  • Start/End value - progress bar filling percentage (0-100%) will correspond to 'Start - End value' range.
  • Ticks - a number of divisions along the element axis
  • Hide ticks - no ticks will be displayed


Only specific for this control properites will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

The gauge imitates physical metering device with arrow or other point moving along the ruler. And has almost the same settings as in progress bar:

  • Marker size - defines pointer size

Round gauge

Only specific for this control properties will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

The round gauge also imitates physical metering device with rotating arrow.

  • Arrow color - defines arrow color
  • Color bar width - width between outer border and circular scale

The dynamic properties are:

  • Label color
  • Background color
  • Text color
  • Arrow color
  • Border color



Only specific for this control properties will be explained below, other are expained in LED and similar controls.

The slider also imitates physical sliders allowing to set value and see it's current value as position.

  • Value steps - defines one step change between to adjacent slider position

The dynamic properties are:

  • Background color
  • Value color
  • Start value point / End value point
  • Text color
  • Border color

Edit Box

The edit box is almost the same as text control but allows to edit value without pop-up dialog like in text control.

Recipes list

You can select which recipe to apply with this control.

  • Recipe category - to filter out recipes from unwanted categories on this dashboard
  • Apply immediately - if unchecked, the recipe won't be applied, but change only recipe number in the linked register.

Video stream

If there is configured video stream in the project, it can be shown on the dashboard with this control.

  • Video stream - selection listbox for videstreams


Several controls related to some device, unit, area etc. can be distinguished with group for convinience.

  • Header background - color selection for the header (d)
  • Vertical padding - indent of the label from the top and bottom of the header

Messages table

The messages from the message log can also be shown on the dashboard with this control.

  • Rows - number of rows in the table
  • Time format - format string for the date
  • Vertical padding - indent of the label from the top and bottom of the header
  • Hide headers - checking will hide headers row
  • Date column width - width of the 'Date' column in pixels
  • Hide date - checking will hide date column
  • User column width - width of the 'User' column in pixels
  • Hide username - checking will hide 'User' column
  • Level column width - width of the 'Level' column in pixels
  • Hide level - checking will hide 'Level' column


Up to three register values can be displayed in a trend for the dashboard.

  • Ruler color - sets desired ruler color (d)
  • Time span, sec - Time span for X axis of the trend
  • Refresh rate - data refresh rate for the trend referenced to dashboard refresh rate ( 1 / [1,2,4,8,16,32,64])

dashboards.1537861877.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/09/25 07:51 by emozolyak

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