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New alerts configuration

In WebHMI there is the concept of an alert. An alert is a state of the system that requires human attention. WebHMI signals on all alerts visually (red status bar on the dashboards) and an audible signal about unqualified accidents. The alerts are kept in a special alerts log.

Starting from 3.6 fw version, a new alert setup has beed implemented. For versions below 3.6 please refer to the next section.

When some alert triggers there will be pop-up window, like this -

There will be the alert title, group (if it belongs to a group), start time, duration, acknowledge status and the link to details. In the new alerts there is a number of improvements:

  • more complex conditions for each alert.
  • richer alert description with insructions (extended text format, pictures)
  • operator can add comments after alert has been triggered
  • templates - for identical devices with the same alerts conditions, you can setup only one template

The alert setup link is here:

The example of an alert list:


  1. is the button to create an alert object
  2. is the button to create an alert group
  3. is the list of non-grouped alerts
  4. is the category name for organizing the list. There are 2 groups in the example provided.
  5. it is a list of grouped alerts. The titles in bold text indicate group title. Only a group can be a template for another group of alerts. The template column tells if the group is a template or templates' descendant.
  6. is a list of templates' descendants. For descent alert groups you can tell the system substitution rules for the registers, in the same way as for dashboard templates.

In the Basic edit alert tab you set title, template, category and level (Info, Warning, Alert), wether to allow acknoledge and sound signal.

In the Condition tab, you define the condition which will trigger the alert. It can be specific bit of a register or its value (=, ≠, <, >, [a, b]1)). The multiple conditions are combined only with AND operator. So for OR operation or more complex conditions you can use Lua scripts.

In the Information tab, there is a text editor with formatting options to create messages including one optional picture. This message will be shown if an operator press Details… link in the alert pop-up dialog.

Information page in this case could be like this:

All alerts are stored in their log, which can be accessed from side bar or context menu link.The following filters are available for convinient looking-through:

  • Level - info, warning, alert
  • title - with find sub-string
  • group
  • status - active / fixed, acknoledged and not acknowledged

Every column has a sorting action and an omni-search box is provided as well to search in all alerts.

Alerts configuration before 3.6 fw version

In WebHMI there is the concept of an alert. An alert is a state of the system that requires human attention. WebHMI signals all alert visually (red status bar on the dashboards) and an audible signal about unqualified accidents. Emergencies are logged for later analysis.

Usually alerts in the PLC are organized as a set of bits in any of the registers. Each bit is the flag of a single alert. In WebHMI alerts are configured in the register editor, i.e. a register or group of registers can be allocated for handling accidents. This makes it convenient to transfer them from the project to the project and from the connection to the connection when they are cloned. If any of the devices has a different format for representing the alert, for example, for each type of alert a separate register, or an alert code with a combination of a bit flag, etc. - such alerts can be brought to the standard way by using the capabilities of scripts on Lua, having generated the alert bits in the internal register.

Any of alerts can be allowed to be acknowledged. This allows you to tell the system that the operator is aware of its occurrence. Also for the alerts you can set its level - Information, Warning, Accident. In the initial state, the “Alerts” side menu item is empty, crashes there will only appear after creating at least one register with alert bits in the project.

When an alert occurs, the system will turn the status bar to red. The line will blink periodically to attract attention. Also, if there are unqualified alerts, an audible alert will be issued every 15 seconds.

To view the current alerts, you can click on the text with the alerts in the status line. This will open a pop-up window with a list of current crashes. In this window you can see their list, the time of the occurrence of the alert, acknowledge the alert, see the login of the user who acknowledged the alert.

Also, using Lua programs, you can perform certain actions depending on the current alerts. For example, you can send SMS messages if there are alerts that have not been acknowledged for more than 10 minutes. Or any other action. An example of handling an alert list is here

Past alerts can be viewed in the alert log.

in range from a to b
alerts.1586360545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/08 15:42 by emozolyak

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