The Lua CJSON module provides JSON support for Lua.


WebHMI supports this module starting from version WebHMI 3.4.

Documentation for CJSON module is available at official site.

There are 2 most important functions: cjson.encode and cjson.decode.

cjson.encode will serialise a Lua value into a string containing the JSON representation.


value = { true, { foo = "bar" } }
json_text = cjson.encode(value)
-- Returns: '[true,{"foo":"bar"}]'

cjson.decode will deserialise any UTF-8 JSON string into a Lua value or table.


json_text = '[ true, { "foo": "bar" } ]'
value = cjson.decode(json_text)
-- Returns: { true, { foo = "bar" } }

If your task is extract from the 7bit LoRA AirGate's JSON package then use to following code

Extract AirGate JSON value
local encoded = GetReg("encoded_json")
local decoded_table = cjson.decode(encoded)
for i, v in pairs(decoded_table) do 
    TRACE(i .. " = " .. tostring(v)) -- show all the content of packet.
temp_int = decoded_table.temp_int -- example of extraction