====== Backing up the data archive using Rsync utility ====== Rsync is a handy tool for synchronising files and directories between two repositories, minimising traffic by updating only the files that change, defined by size and update date. The function is enabled in the **SETTINGS/SERVICES/Rsync server** menu. Run the following command After that, on the computer* to which the copy is being made, : rsync -av /path/to/dest/ *It should be noted that Rsync is a standard programme for UNIX systems. In order to use Rsync in Windows, you have to copy certain system files. The necessary files for Windows 10 are provided in the {{:logic:advanced:log-sync:rsyncforwindows.x86_64.zip|archive}}. Please refer to the Internet on installing Rsync for Windows. Command syntax also changes a bit: you have to precede path with '/cygdrive/', use drive letter without ':' rsync -av webhmi_ip_address::webhmi-log /cygdrive/drive/dest_folder