====== BACnet IP ====== {{network:internal-bacnet.png?direct&250|}} Since version 3.0, WebHMI supports the BACnet IP protocol. For the moment, the Read Property and Write Property queries have been implemented. The Present Value properties are read. Such types of registers are read and written: *Analog Input *Analog Output *Analog Value *Binary Input *Binary Output *Binary Value *Multi State Input *Multi State Output *Multi State Value In WebHMI, such addressing of BACnet IP registers is accepted: ^Register address ^Description ^Data type ^Read/Write^ |AIxx |Analog Input. xx — input number (valid values from 0 to 65535). Examples: AI1, AI12, AI44 |Double Word, Float, 32 IEEE 754 |Read/-| |AOxx.yy |Analog Output. xx — output number(valid value range 0..65535). Example: AO1, AO12, AO44.2, AO23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Double Word, Float, 32 IEEE 754 |Read/Write| |AVxx.yy |Analog Value. xx — value number (valid value range 0..65535). Example: AV1, AV12, AV44.2, AV23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Double Word, Float, 32 IEEE 754 |Read/Write| |BIxx |Binary Input. xx — input number(valid range 0..65535). Examples: BI1, BI12, BI44 |Bit |Read/-| |BOxx.yy |Binary Output. xx — output number (valid range 0..65535). Examples: BO1, BO12, BO44.2, BO23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Bit |Read/Write| |BVxx.yy |Binary Value. xx — value number (valid range 0..65535). Examples: BV1, AV12, BV44.2, BV23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Bit|Read/Write| |MIxx |Multi State Input. xx — input number(valid range 0..65535). Examples: MI1, MI12, MI44 |Byte, Unsigned Int|Read/-| |MOxx.yy |Multi State Output. xx — output number(valid range 0..65535). Examples: MO1, MO12, MO44.2, MO23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Byte, Unsigned Int|Read/Write| |MVxx.yy |Multi State Value. xx — output number(valid range 0..65535). Examples: MV1, MV12, MV44.2, MV23.17. yy — write priority, see below |Byte, Unsigned Int|Read/Write| When writing new values ​​to registers with missing '.yy' in the register's address the default priority is used. Example of such address: AI22 If you specify a number from 1 to 16 after the point, for example AI22.9, then writing to the register will occur with the specified priority. In this example, this will be 9. If you want to organize writing with the priority NULL, then in the register address you need to specify the number 17. Example AI22.17.