There is Excel VBA scripts codes example [[example_of_data_access_from_excel_via_api|here]] ====== Using API ====== With WebHMI, you can interact with [[ | REST]]-like programming interface (API). The API provides access to all the basic functions necessary for data collection and system management. Calling the API method is an HTTP request to the сertain URL with the required parameters. The following methods are available: All data is returned in the format [[|JSON]]. Some parameters must be passed as part of the URL (usually an event ID, register, etc.). The remaining parameters are passed in the form of HTTP request headers (time interval, API Key and others). For more details, see the description of the specific method. To ensure the security and delineation of access rights, the API access keys are used (API Keys). The WebHMI device has an API sandbox. It is available at the address This is a mini version of the API documentation with the ability to execute any query directly from the browser and see the result of its work. ===== Connection list ===== To get a list of all connections, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular connection, you must perform a GET request on a URL like this: '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired connection. In the request headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the [[ | JSON]] format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Note that, if you are using another WebHMI as client (via [[Lua_API|cURL Lua]]'s library), the following line should be removed Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch Example of a connection list request: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of a response: [ { "id": "1", "title": "Internal registers", "addr": "", "baudrate": "9600", "parity": "e", "stopbit": "1", "bitscount": "8", "model": "3", "protocol": "4", "timeout": "100", "timeout2": "", "device": "/dev/rs485", "disabled": "0", "mode": "0" }, { "id": "2", "title": "S7 200", "addr": "2", "baudrate": "9600", "parity": "e", "stopbit": "1", "bitscount": "8", "model": "1", "protocol": "3", "timeout": "200", "timeout2": "", "device": "/dev/rs485", "disabled": "1", "mode": "0" } ] Example of a request for connection #2 information: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of a response: { "id": "2", "title": "S7 200", "addr": "2", "baudrate": "9600", "parity": "e", "stopbit": "1", "bitscount": "8", "model": "1", "protocol": "3", "timeout": "200", "timeout2": "", "device": "/dev/rs485", "disabled": "1", "mode": "0" } ^ Connection attributes: ^^^ |**id **|int |Unique connection Id| |**title **|string |Connection name| |**addr **|string |Bus address or network address for TCP connection| |**baudrate **|int |Communication speed for serial connections| |**parity **|string |Parity check for serial connections. e = Even, o = Odd, n = None| |**stopbit **|int |Number of stop bits for serial connectoins| |**model **|int |Id of the device type| |**protocol **|int |Id of the communication protocol| |**timeout **|int |Maximal timeout for waiting response from device| |**device **|string |System adapter name of the serial connections| |**disabled **|int |0 = connection is active, 1 = connection is disabled| |**mode **|int |0 = normal mode. 1 = Virtual UART mode| Id of the device type: |0| Delta DVP | |1| Siemens Simatic S7 200 | |2 | Generic ModBus | |3 | Internal WebHMI Registers | |4 | Generic Owen | |5 | Generic DF1 | Ids of the communication protocols: |0| ModBus ASCII | |1| ModBus RTU | |2| ModBus TCP | |3| Siemens PPI | |4| Owen | |5 | Allen Bradley DF1 | |6 |Internal WebHMI Registers | ===== Register list ===== To get a list of all registers, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular register, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired register. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DAB Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the [[ |JSON]] format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of register list query: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: [ { "id": "1", "plcid": "2", "title": "Packing is in progress", "addr": "M1.0", "modbusAddr": "", "type": "0", "dictid": "0", "value_format": "0", "multiplicator": "", "shift": "", "save_to_log": "0", "measureUnits": "", "has_normal": "0", "normal_regid": "0", "normal_regid2": "0", "normal_dynamic_value": "0", "normal_binary_value": "", "normal_binary_text": "", "normal_color": "#33d356", "normal_min_regid": "-1", "normal_min_delta": "", "normal_max_regid": "-1", "normal_max_delta": "", "normal_min_val": "", "normal_max_val": "", "has_disabled": "0", "disabled_regid": "0", "disabled_regid2": "0", "disabled_dynamic_value": "0", "disabled_binary_value": "", "disabled_binary_text": "", "disabled_color": "#cccccc", "disabled_min_regid": "-1", "disabled_min_delta": "", "disabled_max_regid": "-1", "disabled_max_delta": "", "disabled_min_val": "", "disabled_max_val": "", "has_warning": "0", "warning_regid": "0", "warning_regid2": "0", "warning_dynamic_value": "0", "warning_binary_value": "", "warning_binary_text": "", "warning_color": "#f0b417", "warning_min_regid": "-1", "warning_min_delta": "", "warning_max_regid": "-1", "warning_max_delta": "", "warning_min_val": "", "warning_max_val": "", "has_alert": "0", "alert_regid": "0", "alert_regid2": "0", "alert_dynamic_value": "0", "alert_binary_value": "", "alert_binary_text": "", "alert_color": "#ee434d", "alert_min_regid": "-1", "alert_min_delta": "", "alert_max_regid": "-1", "alert_max_delta": "", "alert_min_val": "", "alert_max_val": "", "timeformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "log_tolerance": "", "precision_digits": "", "min_log_interval": "", "max_log_interval": "", "max_graph_interval": "", "max_allowed_value": "", "min_allowed_value": "", "rw_mode": "", "min_reasonable_value": "", "max_reasonable_value": "", "save_graph_data": "0", "graph_interval": "1", "graph_color": "#ff0000", "disabled": "0", "nocloud": "", "delta": "0", "delay": "0" }, { "id": "2", "plcid": "2", "title": "Recipe", "addr": "VW100", "modbusAddr": "", "type": "2", "dictid": "1", "value_format": "0", "multiplicator": "", "shift": "", "save_to_log": "0", "measureUnits": "", "has_normal": "0", "normal_regid": "0", "normal_regid2": "0", "normal_dynamic_value": "0", "normal_binary_value": "", "normal_binary_text": "", "normal_color": "#32d355", "normal_min_regid": "-1", "normal_min_delta": "", "normal_max_regid": "-1", "normal_max_delta": "", "normal_min_val": "", "normal_max_val": "", "has_disabled": "0", "disabled_regid": "0", "disabled_regid2": "0", "disabled_dynamic_value": "0", "disabled_binary_value": "", "disabled_binary_text": "", "disabled_color": "#cccccc", "disabled_min_regid": "-1", "disabled_min_delta": "", "disabled_max_regid": "-1", "disabled_max_delta": "", "disabled_min_val": "", "disabled_max_val": "", "has_warning": "0", "warning_regid": "0", "warning_regid2": "0", "warning_dynamic_value": "0", "warning_binary_value": "", "warning_binary_text": "", "warning_color": "#f0b416", "warning_min_regid": "-1", "warning_min_delta": "", "warning_max_regid": "-1", "warning_max_delta": "", "warning_min_val": "", "warning_max_val": "", "has_alert": "0", "alert_regid": "0", "alert_regid2": "0", "alert_dynamic_value": "0", "alert_binary_value": "", "alert_binary_text": "", "alert_color": "#ee434d", "alert_min_regid": "-1", "alert_min_delta": "", "alert_max_regid": "-1", "alert_max_delta": "", "alert_min_val": "", "alert_max_val": "", "timeformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "log_tolerance": "", "precision_digits": "", "min_log_interval": "", "max_log_interval": "", "max_graph_interval": "", "max_allowed_value": "", "min_allowed_value": "", "rw_mode": "", "min_reasonable_value": "", "max_reasonable_value": "", "save_graph_data": "0", "graph_interval": "1", "graph_color": "#ff0000", "disabled": "0", "nocloud": "", "delta": "0", "delay": "0" }, { "id": "3", "plcid": "2", "title": "Packs counter", "addr": "С1", "modbusAddr": "", "type": "3", "dictid": "0", "value_format": "0", "multiplicator": "", "shift": "", "save_to_log": "0", "measureUnits": "", "has_normal": "0", "normal_regid": "0", "normal_regid2": "0", "normal_dynamic_value": "0", "normal_binary_value": "", "normal_binary_text": "", "normal_color": "#33d356", "normal_min_regid": "-1", "normal_min_delta": "", "normal_max_regid": "-1", "normal_max_delta": "", "normal_min_val": "", "normal_max_val": "", "has_disabled": "0", "disabled_regid": "0", "disabled_regid2": "0", "disabled_dynamic_value": "0", "disabled_binary_value": "", "disabled_binary_text": "", "disabled_color": "#cccccc", "disabled_min_regid": "-1", "disabled_min_delta": "", "disabled_max_regid": "-1", "disabled_max_delta": "", "disabled_min_val": "", "disabled_max_val": "", "has_warning": "0", "warning_regid": "0", "warning_regid2": "0", "warning_dynamic_value": "0", "warning_binary_value": "", "warning_binary_text": "", "warning_color": "#f0b417", "warning_min_regid": "-1", "warning_min_delta": "", "warning_max_regid": "-1", "warning_max_delta": "", "warning_min_val": "", "warning_max_val": "", "has_alert": "0", "alert_regid": "0", "alert_regid2": "0", "alert_dynamic_value": "0", "alert_binary_value": "", "alert_binary_text": "", "alert_color": "#ee434d", "alert_min_regid": "-1", "alert_min_delta": "", "alert_max_regid": "-1", "alert_max_delta": "", "alert_min_val": "", "alert_max_val": "", "timeformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "log_tolerance": "", "precision_digits": "", "min_log_interval": "", "max_log_interval": "", "max_graph_interval": "", "max_allowed_value": "", "min_allowed_value": "", "rw_mode": "", "min_reasonable_value": "", "max_reasonable_value": "", "save_graph_data": "0", "graph_interval": "1", "graph_color": "#ff0000", "disabled": "0", "nocloud": "", "delta": "0", "delay": "0" } ] Example of request for information about the register number 2: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "2", "plcid": "2", "title": "Recipe", "addr": "VW100", "modbusAddr": "", "type": "2", "dictid": "1", "value_format": "0", "multiplicator": "", "shift": "", "save_to_log": "0", "measureUnits": "", "has_normal": "0", "normal_regid": "0", "normal_regid2": "0", "normal_dynamic_value": "0", "normal_binary_value": "", "normal_binary_text": "", "normal_color": "#32d355", "normal_min_regid": "-1", "normal_min_delta": "", "normal_max_regid": "-1", "normal_max_delta": "", "normal_min_val": "", "normal_max_val": "", "has_disabled": "0", "disabled_regid": "0", "disabled_regid2": "0", "disabled_dynamic_value": "0", "disabled_binary_value": "", "disabled_binary_text": "", "disabled_color": "#cccccc", "disabled_min_regid": "-1", "disabled_min_delta": "", "disabled_max_regid": "-1", "disabled_max_delta": "", "disabled_min_val": "", "disabled_max_val": "", "has_warning": "0", "warning_regid": "0", "warning_regid2": "0", "warning_dynamic_value": "0", "warning_binary_value": "", "warning_binary_text": "", "warning_color": "#f0b416", "warning_min_regid": "-1", "warning_min_delta": "", "warning_max_regid": "-1", "warning_max_delta": "", "warning_min_val": "", "warning_max_val": "", "has_alert": "0", "alert_regid": "0", "alert_regid2": "0", "alert_dynamic_value": "0", "alert_binary_value": "", "alert_binary_text": "", "alert_color": "#ee434d", "alert_min_regid": "-1", "alert_min_delta": "", "alert_max_regid": "-1", "alert_max_delta": "", "alert_min_val": "", "alert_max_val": "", "timeformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "log_tolerance": "", "precision_digits": "", "min_log_interval": "", "max_log_interval": "", "max_graph_interval": "", "max_allowed_value": "", "min_allowed_value": "", "rw_mode": "", "min_reasonable_value": "", "max_reasonable_value": "", "save_graph_data": "0", "graph_interval": "1", "graph_color": "#ff0000", "disabled": "0", "nocloud": "", "delta": "0", "delay": "0" } ==== Register's attributes ==== ^ Register's attributes: ^^^ |**id**| int | Unique register id | |**title**| string | Register name | |**plcid**| string | The identifier of the associated connection of the register | |**addr**| string | Register address | |**modbusAddr**| string | Register address for embedded Modbus TCP server | |**type**| int | Data type identifier (see below) | |**value_format**| int | Data format identifier (see below) | |**dictid**| int | Dictionary identifier | |**multiplicator**| double | Multiplier for math conversations for the register value | |**shift**| double | Constant for math conversions for the register value | |**save_to_log**| int | 0 = don't save data to log, 1 = periodically save data to log | |**measure Units**| string | Engineering units (meters, volts etc) | |**has_normal**| int | 1 = register has normal state, 0 = not normal state | |**normal_regid**| int | Identifier of the comparative register (for registers of a bit type) | |**normal_regid2**| int | Second comparative register identifier (for regisers of a bit type) | |**normal_dynamic_value**| int | 1 = compare register value with values from comparative registers , 0 = compare register with constants | |**normal_binary_value**| int | Binary value (1 or 0) which turns on normal register state | |**normal_binary_text**| string | Text to display normal register state | |**normal_color**| string | Normal state color | |**normal_min_regid**| int | Minimal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**normal_min_delta**| string | Delta with minimal value for dynamic comparison | |**normal_max_regid**| int | Maximal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**normal_max_delta**| string | Delta with maximal value for dynamic comparison | |**normal_min_val**| double | Minimal value for standard comparison | |**normal_max_val**| double | Maximal value for standard comparison | |**has_disabled**| int | 1 = register has disabled state, 0 = register has no disabled state | |**disabled_regid**| int | Comparative register identifier(for register of a bit type) | |**disabled_regid2**| int | Second comparative register identifier (for register of a bit type) | |**disabled_dynamic_value**| int | 1 = compare register value with other register valueс, 0 = compare register value with constants | |**disabled_binary_value**| int | Binary value (1 or 0) which turns on disabled register state | |**disabled_binary_text**| string | Text to display disabled state | |**disabled_color**| string | Disabled state color | |**disabled_min_regid**| int | Minimal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**disabled_min_delta**| string | Delta with minimal value for dynamic comparison | |**disabled_max_regid**| int | Maximal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**disabled_max_delta**| string | Delta with maximal value for dynamic comparison | |**disabled_min_val**| double | Minimal value for standard comparison | |**disabled_max_val**| double | Maximal value for standard comparison | |**has_warning**| int | 1 = register has warning state, 0 = register has no warning state | |**warning_regid**| int | Comparative register identifier (for register of a bit type) | |**warning_regid2**| int | Second comparative register identifier (for register of a bit type) | |**warning_dynamic_value**| int | 1 = compare register value with other register's value, 0 = compare register value with constants | |**warning_binary_value**| int | Binary value (1 or 0) which turns on warning state of the register | |**warning_binary_text**| string | Text to display warning register state | |**warning_color**| string | Warning state color | |**warning_min_regid**| int | Minimal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**warning_min_delta**| string | Delta with minimal value for dynamic comparison | |**warning_max_regid**| int | Maximal value register identifier for dynamic comparison | |**warning_max_delta**| string | Delta with maximal value for dynamic comparison | |**warning_min_val**| double | Minimal value for standard comparison | |**warning_max_val**| double | Maximal value for standard comparison | |**has_alert**| int | 1 = register has alert state, 0 = register has no alert state | |**alert_regid**| int | Comparative register identifier (for a bit type register) | |**alert_regid2**| int | Second comparative register (for a bit type register) | |**alert_dynamic_value**| int | 1 = compare register value with other register's value, 0 = compare register value with constants | |**alert_binary_value**| int | Binary value (1 or 0) which turns on alert state for the register | |**alert_binary_text**| string | Text to display alert state | |**alert_color**| string | Alert state color | |**alert_min_regid**| int | Minimal value comparative register for dynamic comparison | |**alert_min_delta**| string | Delta with minimal value for dynamic comparison | |**alert_max_regid**| int | Maximal value comparative register for dynamic comparison | |**alert_max_delta**| string | Delta with maximal value for dynamic comparison | |**alert_min_val**| double | Minimal value for standard comparison | |**alert_max_val**| double | Maximal value for standard comparison | |**timeformat**| string | Date display format for registers of a UnixTime type | |**log_tolerance**| double | Maximal change threshold when register value will be written to log | |**precision_digits**| int | Number of digits after decimal point for fractional numbers | |**min_log_interval**| int | Write value at least every X seconds | |**max_log_interval**| int | Write value at most every X seconds | |**max_graph_interval**| int | Connect points on graph curves if there is no data between them for more than X seconds | |**max_allowed_value**| double | Maximal allowable value to enter for operator | |**min_allowed_value**| double | Minimal allowable value to enter for operator | |**rw_mode**| string | not used | |**min_reasonable_value**| double | Minimal valid value. Dropping below this limit will force register value to nil. | |**max_reasonable_value**| double | Maximal valid value. Raising above this limit will force register value to nil. | |**save_graph_data**| int | Save date to draw grapsh. | |**graph_interval**| int | time resolution for graph data. 0 = maximal resolution (assuming getting values from log), 1 = 1 minute, 2 = 2 minutes, 5 = 5 minutes, 15 = 15 minutes, 60 = 60 minutes | |**graph_color**| string | Graph curve color | |**disabled**| int | 0 = register is active, 1 = register is disabled | |**nocloud**| int | 0 = send graph data to cloud , 1 = don't send grapsh data to cloud | |**delta**| int | 0 = normal read mode, 1 = read the difference between current and previous values, 2 = same as “1” divided by time difference of these values (momentary speed) | |**delay**| int | Poll rate in milliseconds. Can't be less than default value set in system settings. 0 = speed by default. | ^Data type identifiers: ^^ |0|Bit | |1|Byte | |2|Word | |3|Double Word | |4|Unix Time | |5|String | ^Storage formats identifiers:^^ |0|Unsigned, Integer | |1|Signed, Integer | |2|Unsigned, Fixed Point Float (0 ... +1) | |3|Signed, Fixed Point Float (-1 ... +1) | |4|Two's complement | |5|Signed, Floating Point, 32 Bits, IEEE 754 | |6|Signed, Floating Point, 24 Bits | |7|Signed, Floating Point, 32 Bits, IEEE 754, Reverse Word Order | ===== Getting register log ===== To obtain entries from the register register, you must perform follwing GET request on a URL In the request headers, it is necessary to pass the API key, the boundaries of the time interval of interest, and a list of register identifiers. X-WH-START and X-WH-END are transmitted in UnixTime format. The register ID is passed by a comma-separated list in the X-WH-REGISTERS header. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422595501 X-WH-END: 1422599101 X-WH-REGISTERS: 8,10 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSONformat is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of querying records from the register log: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Header: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422595501 X-WH-END: 1422599101 X-WH-REGISTERS: 8,10 Reply example: { "1422598266": [ { "r": 8, "v": "6", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598271": [ { "r": 8, "v": "11", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598276": [ { "r": 8, "v": "16", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598280": [ { "r": 8, "v": "0", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598285": [ { "r": 8, "v": "5", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598290": [ { "r": 8, "v": "10", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598295": [ { "r": 8, "v": "15", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598300": [ { "r": 8, "v": "0", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598305": [ { "r": 8, "v": "5", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598310": [ { "r": 8, "v": "10", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598315": [ { "r": 8, "v": "15", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598320": [ { "r": 8, "v": "0", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598325": [ { "r": 8, "v": "5", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598330": [ { "r": 8, "v": "10", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598335": [ { "r": 8, "v": "15", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598340": [ { "r": 8, "v": "0", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], "1422598345": [ { "r": 8, "v": "5", "s": "-1" }, { "r": 10, "v": "", "s": "" } ], и т.д. ] Returns the array, where the index is time in UnixTime format. Elements of the array have another array of objects. Each object has three properties: r, v, s. ^r|is the register ID. For example, 10 | ^v|is the value of the register at the specified time point or an empty string if there is no data for this register at this time. | ^s|is the state of the register that matched it at the specified time: | | -1|Unknown | | 0|Disabled | | 1|Normal | | 2|Warning | | 3|Alert | | '' (an empty string)|there is no register value. | ===== Getting current registers values ===== To get a list of all registers, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 In the request headers, you must pass the connection IDs (IDs). Register values ​​will be returned only from those connections whose ID are specified in the X-WH-CONNECTIONS header. ID should be separated by comma, without spaces. This allows you to request not all registers, but only a part. Example: X-WH-CONNECTIONS: 1,2 In this example, register values for the ID=1 and ID=2 will be returned. Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the [[ |JSON]] format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of querying current register values: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-CONNECTIONS: 1,2 Example of the response: { "1": { "r": "1", "v": "-1", "s": "i" }, "2": { "r": "2", "v": "-1", "s": "i" }, "3": { "r": "3", "v": "-1", "s": "i" }, "4": { "r": "4", "v": "1422600498", "s": "u" }, "5": { "r": "5", "v": "1422600498", "s": "u" }, "6": { "r": "6", "v": "-1", "s": "i" }, "7": { "r": "7", "v": "-1", "s": "i" }, "8": { "r": "8", "v": "18", "s": "u" }, "9": { "r": "9", "v": "0", "s": "u" } } The format of the returned data is as follows: Returns the object, where the property names are register IDs. And the properties themselves are yet another objects. Each object has three properties: r, v, s. ^'r' | is the register ID. For example, 10 | ^'v' | is the value of the register at the current time or '-1' if the value does not work. | ^'s' | is the state of the register that matched it at the specified time. | | u || Unknown | | d || Disabled | | n || Normal | | w || Warning| | a || Alert | | i || Incorrect| ===== Writing a new value into a register ===== To write a new value into a register, it's neccessary to execute PUT-request on URL Here 23 - is the ID of the register to be modified. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the [[ |JSON]] format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json In the request body, the json-object with single property of "value" should be passed: {"value":"12"} Example of writing value of 15 to the register with ID = 5: ***URL**: ***Method**: PUT *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Request body: {"value":"15"} If the request is valid, API will return HTTP-code 200. ===== List of dictionaries ===== To get a list of all connections, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular register, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired register. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of querying a list of all dictionaries: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: [ { "id": "1", "title": "Рецепты", "value": "1,Green Tea
2,Black Tea
3,Lemon Grass" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Режим подогрева", "value": "0,Выкл.
2,Авария" } ]
Example of querying information about the dictionary number 2: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "2", "title": "Режим подогрева", "value": "0,Выкл.
2,Авария" }
^Dictionary attributes: ^^^ |**id**| int |Unique dictionary identifier| |**title** |string |Dictionary name| |**value** |string |Content of the dictionary. Dictionary records are divided with tag
. Each recored has a pair of key-value, separated with a comma. E.g.: 1,Green Tea. This means that when register value = 1 the following string will be displayed "Green Tea"| ===== Trend list ===== To get a list of all registers, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular register, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired register. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of requesting a list of all trends: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response reply: [ { "id": "1", "regsid": "16", "title": "Горелка", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "" }, { "id": "2", "regsid": "11,12,13", "title": "Токи A, B, C", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "1500" } ] Example of requesting trend #2 information: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "2", "regsid": "11,12,13", "title": "Токи A, B, C", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "1500" } ^Trend attributes:^^^ |id |int |Unique trend identifier| |title |string |Trend name| |regsid |string |List of registers ids to be displayed on the trend.| |height |int |Trend height in pixels| |min_val |double |Minimal value of the Y axis| |max_val |double |Maximal value of the Y axis| ===== Graph list ===== To get a list of all graphs, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular graph, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired graph. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of query for the full graph list: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Reply example: [ { "id": "1", "regsid": "10,11", "title": "Горелка 1 и 2", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "" }, { "id": "2", "regsid": "8", "title": "Температура в печи", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "200" } ] Example of obtaining information about graph #2: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "2", "regsid": "8", "title": "Температура в печи", "height": "350", "min_val": "0", "max_val": "200" } ^Graph's attributes:^^^ |id |int |Unique graph identifier| |title |string |Graph name| |regsid |string |List of registers ids to be displayed on the graph.| |height |int |Graph height in pixels| |min_val |double |Minimal value of the Y axis| |max_val |double |Maximal value of the Y axis| ===== Alert list ===== To get a list of all alerts, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular alert, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired alert. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of query for the full graph list: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Reply example: [ { "id": "1", "title": "a1", "description": "

my alert

", "image": "", "level": "0", "sound": "0", "canack": "1", "dict_id": "", "condition": "[{\"condition\":\"moreThan\",\"regId\":1,\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"\",\"bitNum\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"value\":\"\"}]", "category": "", "group_id": "" }, { "id": "2", "title": "a2", "description": "

my alert

", "image": "", "level": "0", "sound": "0", "canack": "1", "dict_id": "", "condition": "[{\"condition\":\"moreThan\",\"regId\":1,\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"\",\"bitNum\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"value\":\"\"}]", "category": "", "group_id": "" } ]
To get information about currently active alerts, you can use [[current_alerts?s[]=getcurrentalerts |GetCurrentAlerts]] function and copying its output to some register (and then use GET method for current register's values). ===== Image list ===== To get a list of all images, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular image, you must perform a GET request on a URL like this: '' . Here "1" is the ID of the desired connection. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of query for all images: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: [ { "id": "1", "title": "Фон" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Пламя" } ] Example of querying information for image #2: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of reply: ^Image attributes:^^^ |id |int |Unique image identifier| |title |string |Image name| ===== Getting graph data ===== To get data from graph log, it is necessary to run following GET-query for URL Here 2 - is the ID of the graph of interest. Also, instead of specifying the graph ID, you can send the X-WH-REGISTERS header. It specifies, through the comma, the ID of the registers for which data is to be extracted. Example: X-WH-REGISTERS: 23,12,4 In the request headers, you must pass the API key, the boundaries of the time interval of interest (X-WH-START, X-WH-END) and the number of values ​​(X-WH-SLICES). X-WH-START and X-WH-END are transmitted in UnixTime format. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422797440 X-WH-END: 1422997405 X-WH-SLICES: 300 X-WH-SLICES is the number of values. The time interval X-WH-START-X-WH-END will be divided into X-WH-SLICES of equal intervals and the system will take the most detailed values ​​for each of them. X-WH-SLICES should be chosen based on the necessary detail of the graph. So, if you need to build a graph 800 pixels wide, then it makes no sense to choose more than 800 values ​​from the log. And sometimes there will be enough 200-400 values ​​depending on the width of the line on the graph. To speed up the operation, the system can store the averaged values ​​of the registers for different intervals (1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour). In the configuration of each register, you can specify the required detail of the stored data. Depending on the selected time interval and the number of values, the system will attempt to take data from the most appropriate table of averaged values. or from the register register (if it is included for the specified register) Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of getting data for graph #1: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422854081 X-WH-END: 1422856235 X-WH-SLICES: 20 Response example: [ { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422861065000 }, { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422861173000 }, { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422861281000 }, { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422861388000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.292714;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.674894;1.000000", "x": 1422861496000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.489933;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.742101;1.000000", "x": 1422861604000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.747650;1.176471", "x": 1422861711000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.748471;1.176471", "x": 1422861819000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.746659;1.176701", "x": 1422861927000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.755068;1.176932", "x": 1422862034000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.741844;1.000000", "x": 1422862142000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.740291;1.000000", "x": 1422862250000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.756320;1.176701", "x": 1422862358000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.746004;1.176471", "x": 1422862465000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.754233;1.176932", "x": 1422862573000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.740343;1.000000", "x": 1422862681000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.751393;1.176932", "x": 1422862788000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.750868;1.176932", "x": 1422862896000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.745956;1.176701", "x": 1422863004000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.758306;1.176932", "x": 1422863111000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.741780;1.000000", "x": 1422863219000 }, { "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "0.000000;0.741780;1.000000", "x": 1422863327000 }, { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422863435000 }, { "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN", "x": 1422863542000 } ] The structure of the returned data is as follows. An array of objects is returned. Each object has an attribute 'x' - this is the timestamp of this entry. The time format is UnixTime multiplied by 1000 (the dimension is milliseconds). Also in this object there are attributes with values ​​for each register. The attribute name is the register ID. The attribute value is a string where the minimum, average and maximum value of the register on this interval is combined through a semicolon. For example, '0.000000; 0.755068; 1.176932' means that the register took values ​​from 0 to 1.176932, with its arithmetic mean being 0.755068. If in the given interval there is no data on the value of this register, the system will return 'NaN; NaN; NaN'. ===== Event list ===== To get the event list it is neccessary to execute GET-request to URL To get data about specific event it is neccessary to execute GET-request to URL Here "1" - is the event ID. In the request headers, you must pass the API key, like this one: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of request for the event list: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: [ { "id": "2", "title": "Интервал", "hasDuration": "1", "start": "EQ85", "end": "EQ810", "hasEndCondition": "1", "saveToLog": "1", "report_title": "Отчет \"интервал\"", "report_menu_title": "Интервал", "extra_regs": "-1^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s|2^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s", "color": "#ff0000", "savetologtype": "0", "loginterval": "", "parentid": "0", "showontimeline": "0", "description": "" }, { "id": "3", "title": "Нажата кнопка А", "hasDuration": "1", "start": "EQ21", "end": "EQ", "hasEndCondition": "0", "saveToLog": "1", "report_title": "Нажатие кнопки А", "report_menu_title": "Кнопка А", "extra_regs": "-1^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s|-2^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s", "color": "#0084ff", "savetologtype": "0", "loginterval": "", "parentid": "0", "showontimeline": "1", "description": "Событие срабатывает при нажатии на кнопку А" } ] Example of request for the event #2 data: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "2", "title": "Интервал", "hasDuration": "1", "start": "EQ85", "end": "EQ810", "hasEndCondition": "1", "saveToLog": "1", "report_title": "Отчет \"интервал\"", "report_menu_title": "Интервал", "extra_regs": "-1^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s|2^last^^Y-m-d H:i:s", "color": "#ff0000", "savetologtype": "0", "loginterval": "", "parentid": "0", "showontimeline": "0", "description": "" } ^Event addtributes:^^^ |**id**| int |unique event ID| |**title**| string |event title| |**hasDuration**| string |0 = event triggers whenever condtition is met, 1 = event has duration in time| |**start**| string |event start condition| |**end**| string |event end condition| |**hasEndCondition**| int |0 = event has no end condition, 1 = event has end condition| |**saveToLog**| int |0 = don't save event to log, 1 = save event to log| |**report_title**| string |event report title| |**report_menu_title**| string |event report menu entry name| |**extra_regs**| string |Extra registres to be saved in the event log| |**color**| string |event color for the TimeLine| |**savetologtype**| int |0 = save data to log once, 1 = repetitive save to log each Х seconds| |**loginterval**| int |log save period time , seconds| |**parentid**| int |parent event ID. childe event may run only while parent event runs| |**showontimeline**| int |0 = don't show the event on the TimeLine, 1 = show event on the TimeLine| |**description**| string |comments for the event (for operators and users of the system)| ===== Getting data for events ===== To get data from event log, it is necessary to run following GET-query for URL Here 2 - is the ID of the graph of interest. In the request headers, you must pass the API key and the boundaries of the time interval of interest. X-WH-START and X-WH-END are transmitted in UnixTime format. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422797440 X-WH-END: 1422997405 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Please refer for [[events]] chapter for more information. Example of getting date about event #1: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422797440 X-WH-END: 1422997405 Example of response: [ { "rowid": "3050", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797405", "end_time": "1422797440", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797405 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3052", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797465", "end_time": "1422797500", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797465 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3054", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797525", "end_time": "1422797560", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797525 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3056", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797585", "end_time": "1422797680", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797585 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3058", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797705", "end_time": "1422797740", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797705 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3060", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797765", "end_time": "1422797800", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797765 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] }, { "rowid": "3062", "event_id": "1", "start_time": "1422797825", "end_time": "0", "xtra_regs": [ { "E1.0": 1422797825 }, { "E1.1": 39 } ] } ] ^Event's attrubutes:^^^ |**rowid** |int |Unique event identifier in database | |**event_id** |int |Event ID | |**start_time** |int |Event start time | |**end_time** |int |Event end time. If the event still in progress, then end time = 0 | |**xtra_regs** |object |Object with data on additional registers which are saved in event log. Key - Value.| Additional register name format: "E" + event ID + "." + register's serial number in the event starting from 0 Example of query for data on event #2: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422804505 X-WH-END: 1422800200 Response example: [ { "rowid": "3201", "event_id": "2", "start_time": "1422804505", "end_time": "1422804515", "xtra_regs": [ { "E2.0": 25 } ] }, { "rowid": "3201", "event_id": "2", "start_time": "1422804505", "end_time": "1422804515", "xtra_regs": [ { "E2.0": 27 } ] }, { "rowid": "3201", "event_id": "2", "start_time": "1422804505", "end_time": "1422804515", "xtra_regs": [ { "E2.0": 29 } ] }, { "rowid": "3201", "event_id": "2", "start_time": "1422804505", "end_time": "1422804515", "xtra_regs": [ { "E2.0": 31 } ] }, { "rowid": "3201", "event_id": "2", "start_time": "1422804505", "end_time": "1422804515", "xtra_regs": [ { "E2.0": 33 } ] } ] ===== Getting local time data ===== To get local time data, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "timestamp": 1422861826, "timezone": "EET", "gmtoffset": 7200, "isdst": 0 } ^Date and time attributes:^^^ |**timestamp**| unixtime |Current time in unixtime format | |**timezone**| string |Time zone name | |**gmtoffset**| int |Local time offset from UTC in seconds | |**isdst** | int | 0 = winter time, 1 = summer time | ===== Dashboard list ===== To get a list of all panels, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular dashboard, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "12" is the ID of the desired graph. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json An example of querying a list of dashboards: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of response: [ { "id": "1", "title": "Упаковка", "hide_title": "0", "width": "900", "height": "450" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Расход воды", "hide_title": "1", "width": "1024", "height": "800" } ] Example of requesting information on dashboard number 1: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of reply: { "id": "1", "title": "Упаковка", "hide_title": "0", "width": "900", "height": "450" } ^Dashboards attributes:^^^ |**id** |int |Unique dashboard identifier | |**title** |string |Dashboard name | |**hide_title** |int |0 = display dashboard name , 1 = hide dashboard name | |**width** |int |Working area width in pixels | |**height** |int |Working area height in pixels | ===== List of dashboard's blocks===== To get a list of all dashboard's blocks, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular block, you must perform a following GET request on a URL '' . Here "12" is the ID of the desired graph. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of a query for all blocks data: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Example of reply: [ { "id": "1", "dashboard_id": "1", "zindex": "1", "pos_left": "0", "pos_top": "0", "pos_width": "896", "pos_height": "445", "block_type": "Indicator", "title": "Фон", "url": "", "imageid": "1", "label": "", "align": "", "fontsize": "", "regid": "", "is_button": "false", "hide_value": "false", "start_value": "", "end_value": "", "colorize": "false" }, { "id": "2", "dashboard_id": "1", "zindex": "3", "pos_left": "714", "pos_top": "277", "pos_width": "85", "pos_height": "25", "block_type": "TextValue", "title": "", "url": "", "imageid": "", "label": "", "align": "center", "fontsize": "4", "regid": "3", "is_button": "false", "hide_value": "false", "start_value": "", "end_value": "", "colorize": "false" }, { "id": "3", "dashboard_id": "1", "zindex": "3", "pos_left": "450", "pos_top": "277", "pos_width": "110", "pos_height": "25", "block_type": "TextValue", "title": "", "url": "", "imageid": "", "label": "", "align": "left", "fontsize": "4", "regid": "5", "is_button": "", "hide_value": "", "start_value": "", "end_value": "" } ] Example of query for block #1 information: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: { "id": "1", "dashboard_id": "1", "zindex": "1", "pos_left": "0", "pos_top": "0", "pos_width": "896", "pos_height": "445", "block_type": "Indicator", "title": "Фон", "url": "", "imageid": "1", "label": "", "align": "", "fontsize": "", "regid": "", "is_button": "false", "hide_value": "false", "start_value": "", "end_value": "", "colorize": "false" } ^Block attributes:^^^ |**id**| int |Unique block identifier | |**dashboard_id**| string |Block dashboard-owner identifier where the block is displayed | |**zindex**| int |Z-index of block ("layer" number) | |**pos_left**| int |Position on the dashboards from left edge in pixels | |**pos_top**| int |Position on the dashboards from top edge in pixels | |**pos_width**| int |Block height in pixels | |**pos_height**| int |Block width in pixels | |**block_type**| string |Block type. Options: Indicator, TextValue, Gauge | |**title**| string |Block name | |**url**| string |URL for links | |**imageid**| int |ID of the image to display | |**label**| string |Text to be displayed in a block | |**align**| string |Text alignment Options: left, right, center | |**fontsize**| int |Font size, 1-5 | |**regid**| int |ID of the source register for value | ===== Managing recipes list ===== To get a list of all recipes, you must perform a GET request on the URL like this: To obtain information about a particular recipe, you must perform a following GET request on a URL ''. Here "12" is the ID of the desired recipe. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of a query for all recipes data: ***URL:** ***Method:** GET *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY:F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Response example: [ { "id": "2", "title": "Black tea", "category": "", "description": "", "regs_values": "3^50|4^20|5^7", "allowed_for_roles": "1,2,3", "disabled": "0" }, { "id": "1", "title": "Green tea", "category": "", "description": "", "regs_values": "3^100|4^10|5^5", "allowed_for_roles": "1,2,3", "disabled": "0" } ] ^Block attributes:^^^ |**id**| int |Unique recipe identifier | |**title**| string |Title of recipe | |**category**| string |Category of recipe | |**description**| string |Description of recipe | |**regs_values**| string |List of register values in following format: reg_id1%%^%%new_value%%|%%reg_id2%%^%%new_value%%|%%reg_id3%%^%%new_value | |**allowed_for_roles**| string |Comma-separated role IDs who can access this recipe | |**disabled**| int |Flag that shows if recipe is disabled | To update a register values in particular recipe it's necessary to execute PUT-request on URL Here 23 - is the ID of the recipe to be modified. In the headers, it is necessary to pass API key. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the [[ |JSON]] format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json In the request body, the json-object with at least of property be passed. {"regs_values":"3^110|4^13|5^5","title": "Recipe for March 21st, 2019"} Example of updating title and register values to the recipe with ID = 5: ***URL**: ***Method**: PUT *Headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 Request body: {"regs_values":"3^110|4^13|5^5", "title": "Recipe for March 21st, 2019" } If the request is valid, API will return HTTP-code 200. ===== Getting meters log ===== There is an option to use a register as a tolalizers for resources like water, has, heat, electricity etc. Then its current value together with hourly consumption will be stored in the database. To obtain entries from the meters log, you must perform follwing GET request on a URL In the request headers, it is necessary to pass the API key, the boundaries of the time interval of interest, X-WH-START and X-WH-END are transmitted in UnixTime format. All meter registers will be returned, so X-WH-REGISTER header is omitted. For example: X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422595501 X-WH-END: 1422599101 Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported. Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Example of querying records from the register log: ***URL**: ***Method**: GET ***Headers**: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7 X-WH-START: 1422595501 X-WH-END: 1422599101 Reply example: [ { "t": 1586253600, // timestamp "r": 65, // register id "s": "0.0", // hour start value "e": "5.0", // hour end value "v": "5.0" // difference }, { "t": 1586257200, "r": 65, "s": "5.0", "e": "20.0", "v": "15.0" }, { "t": 1586257200, "r": 76, "s": "100.0", "e": "200.0", "v": "100.0" } ] The %%//%% are comments, they are absent in the real reponse. ====== API usage examples ====== * [[access_from_lua_to_webhmi_itself | Data access from WebHMI itself]] * [[example_of_data_access_from_excel_via_api|Data access from Excel]] * [[example_of_data_access_from_c_c|Data access from C/C++]] * [[google_sheet_api_example|Data access from the Google Sheets]] * [[Android demo application]] * [[Android application via Chrome]]