function readRegister (reg, device, unitId) if not carel.synced then DEBUG("Trying to sync, packet #1...") local newId = unitId + ADDR_OFFSET carel.pollTemplate[2] = newId makeSync(carel.syncTemplate, newId) local reply = readUntil(ETX, true) if reply then hexPrint(reply) if (#reply > 30) then DEBUG("Sync 1 done!") -- now 2nd sync makeSync(carel.sync2_Tmpl, newId) reply = readUntil(ACK, false) if reply then hexPrint(reply) ; DEBUG("sync 2 ok!") carel.synced = true end end end end if carel.synced then -- synced local poll_counter, POLL_LIMIT = 0, 40 repeat poll_counter = poll_counter + 1 sendBytes(carel.pollTemplate) ; local reply = readUntil(ETX, true) if not reply then ERROR("could not receive reply from device...") carel.synced = false return false end if (reply[1] == NULL) then DEBUG("Got NULL! - no changes") sendBytes{ACK} break else DEBUG("Normal sequence, got something!") sendBytes{ACK} local idx = {type = 3, addr_hi = 4, addr_lo = 5, data_start = 6} local type_ = string.char(reply[idx.type]) ; DEBUG("type = " .. type_) if not (type_ == 'B' or type_ == 'U' or type_ == 'S') then ERROR("Unknown type of the device!") return -1 else local dev_addr = getHexFromASCII(reply[idx.addr_hi], reply[idx.addr_lo]) dev_addr = string.sub(dev_addr, 1, -2) dev_addr = tonumber(dev_addr, 16) ; DEBUG("dev_addr detected = " .. dev_addr) local dev_data_len = ((type_ == 'B' and 2) or 4) local tmp_t = {} for j = idx.data_start, idx.data_start + dev_data_len - 1 do table.insert(tmp_t, string.char(reply[j])) end local dev_data = tonumber(table.concat(tmp_t), 16) DEBUG('dev type addr data = ' .. type_ .. ' ' .. sf("%X", dev_addr) .. ' ' .. sf("%X", dev_data))[type_][dev_addr] = dev_data end end if (poll_counter >= POLL_LIMIT) then DEBUG("Poll counter finish!") end until (poll_counter >= POLL_LIMIT) local value =[][reg.internalAddr] return value end -- synced end -- readRegister