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Useful programs

Bit functions

You can use Lua BitOp extension functions in your programs:

bit.tobit(x)          -- normalize number to the numeric range of
                      -- bit operations (all bit ops use this implicitly)
bit.tohex(x[,n])      -- convert x to hex with n digits (default 8)
bit.bnot(x)           -- bitwise not of x[,x2...])  -- bitwise and of x1, x2, ...
bit.bor(x1[,x2...])   -- bitwise or of x1, x2, ...
bit.bxor(x1[,x2...])  -- bitwise xor of x1, x2, ...
bit.lshift(x, n)      -- left-shift of x by n bits
bit.rshift(x, n)      -- logical right-shift of x by n bits
bit.arshift(x, n)     -- arithmetic right-shift of x by n bits
bit.rol(x, n)         -- left-rotate of x by n bits
bit.ror(x, n)         -- right-rotate of x by n bits
bit.bswap(x)          -- byte-swap of x (little-endian <-> big-endian)

To access idividual bits, you can use following handy functions:

function bw(n)
  return 2 ^ (n - 1)  -- returns weight of the bit in pos. n
function hasbit(x, b) 
  local p = bw(b)
  return x % (p + p) >= p  -- returns if b is true/false; if hasbit(value, b) then ...
function setbit(x, b) 
  return hasbit(x, b) and x or x + bw(b) -- sets bit b in х example:  х = setbit(х, b))
function clearbit(x, b)
  return hasbit(x, b) and x - bw(b) or x --  clears bit b in х 
function togglebit(x, b) -- toggles bit b in x 
    if hasbit(x, b) then 
        return clearbit(x, b)
        return setbit(x, b)
function outbit(condition, x, b) -- output bool condition as 0 /1 into a bit 
     if condition then     
         return hasbit(x, b) and x or x + bw(b) 
         return hasbit(x, b) and x - bw(b) or x 
function outBit(condition, alias, b) -- output bool condition as 0 /1 into a bit of a internal register 
     local new_value = outbit(condition, R(alias), b)
     W(alias, new_value)
function setBit(alias, b) -- sets bit in the register using alias or id   
    local old_value = R(alias) 
    local new_value = setbit(old_value, b) 
    if (new_value ~= old_value) then 
        WriteReg(alias, new_value)  -- to prevent unnecessary writing
function clearBit(alias, b) -- uses alias or id and crears bit in it 
    local old_value = R(alias)
    local new_value = clearbit(old_value, b)
    if (new_value ~= old_value) then 
        WriteReg(alias, new_value)
function toggleBit(alias, b) -- toggles bit b in reg by alias or id 
     local cur_value = R(alias)
    if hasbit(cur_value, b) then 
        clearBit(alias, b)
        setBit(alias, b)
    return true 
-- return bit from the position as a  1 / 0 
function getBit(alias, b)
    if hasbit(R(alias), b) then 
        return 1 
        return 0 

To enhance readablity of complex program you may wrap actions made with the register of a bit type to their handy analogs. Then in a complex program you can quickly determine where bit varialbe is changed, checked etc.

-- this function to make shorter ifs operator for bit registes
function TRUE(reg)
    return (R(reg)== 1) 
function NOT(reg)
    return (R(reg) == 0) 
function SET(reg)
    W(reg, 1)   
function RESET(reg)
    W(reg, 0)   
function OUT(condition, reg)
-- shorter analog of setting / resetting bit register dependnig on condition
      if condition then 
        W(reg, 1)   
        W(reg , 0)   

Examples of using bit functions

Writing condition value into some bit

In the following example, a condition result is written right into the register mask. This could be used e.g. for status register, where each bit corresponds to some system alert while providing overall system status as 0 / >1 (no bit set(no alert), some bit set (there is an alert.)). This status register can be used in Level2 system to show the node's state.

-- sets bit in certain register depending on condition 
include "bit.lib" 
function main (userId)
    outBit(not R("someRegister"), "alertMask", 15)

Table functions

-- reverses a table 
table.reverse = function (tab) 
    local outTable = {}
    for i = #tab, 1, -1 do 
        table.insert(outTable, tab[i])
    return outTable
--[[  find an element in a table 
    @ t - input table , v - value to find 
    --> value index of false (if not found)
function table.find(t, v)
    for i, tv in pairs(t) do 
        if (tv == v) then 
            return i 
    return false 
--[[  finds pattern in a table 
    @ t - input table , pttrn - pattern to find 
    --> index of the first byte following the pattern
function table.findPattern(t, pttrn) 
    for tabIndex, _ in ipairs(t) do 
        local matchFlag = true 
        for seqIndex, sequenceByte in ipairs(pttrn) do  -- checking pttrn inside a t 
            matchFlag = matchFlag and (sequenceByte == t[tabIndex + seqIndex - 1])
            if (not matchFlag) then 
                matchFlag = false 
        if matchFlag then 
            return (tabIndex + #pttrn) 
    return false  
--[[  checks if the table has an elem 
    @ t - table , test 
    --> index of false (if not found)
function table.some(t, test)
    for i, tv in pairs(t) do 
        if (test(tv)) then 
            return true 
    return false 
function table.sub(t, s, e) 
    local newTab = {}
    if (s and e) then 
        for i = s, e do 
            table.insert(newTab, t[i])
    return newTab 

Compare and trigger

This is used to detect when the value reach certaint value and make one-time action.

cmp = {}
function cmp : new(reg, level) 
    self.__index = self 
    return setmetatable({ reg = reg,
                          level = level, 
                          flag = false }, self)
function cmp : __call(helper) 
    local regValue = R(self.reg)
    if helper(regValue, self.level) then 
        if (not self.flag) then 
            self.flag = true 
            DEBUG("got it !")
            return true 
        self.flag = false 
    return false     
function greaterThan(arg1, arg2)
    return arg1 >= arg2
function main (userId)
    if (not detect) then 
       detect = cmp : new ("dBit2", 1)
    if detect(greaterThan) then 
       -- SendTelegramMessage()

Iteraion over indexed registers

You can iterate your register in loogs using their alias names, which contain the index, e.g.:

    The program uses random number from 1 to 10 as a base to set 3 consequtive registers
    named "indexedRegister1", "indexedRegister2", "indexedRegister3"
function main (userId)
  local startValue = math.random(1, 10)
  for i = 1, 3 do
      W("indexedRegister" .. i, startValue)
      startValue = startValue + i 

The result is shown on the following picture:

Debug printing

Standard functions (INFO and other ) for writing to communication log and lua console has some drawbacks:

  • they expect only one parameter of a string type, so you have to concatenate multiple parameters with '..' operator and add spaces between values
  • they don't check input parameters for a nil, so the script won't run after the error line if the 'nil' is met in the parameters being concatenated.

To enhance console and communication log output you may use your own versions based on these standard functions:

-- concats 2 tables processing boolean values 
function myTabConcat(inputTable, separator)
   for i, v in ipairs(inputTable) do 
	if type(v) == 'boolean' then 
	   inputTable[i] = v and "true" or "false"
   return table.concat(inputTable, separator)
-- find an element in a table, return index or false if not found 
function table.find(inputTable, valueToFind)
    for i, tv in pairs(inputTable) do 
        if (tv == valueToFind) then 
            return i 
    return false 
-- centers two strings of diff length 
function align2Strings(s1, s2)
     local delta = #s1 - #s2
     local absDelta = math.abs(delta)
     local prefix = string.rep(' ', math.floor(absDelta / 2) )
     local suffix = prefix .. string.rep(' ',  absDelta % 2)
     if (delta > 0) then 
        s2 = prefix .. s2 .. suffix
     elseif (delta < 0) then  
        s1 = prefix .. s1 .. suffix
     return s1, s2
-- print a list of arguments with a header if '|' is provided 
function DBG(...)
    if ENABLE_DEBUG then 
	local pipePosition = table.find(arg, '|')
        if (not pipePosition) then 
            DEBUG(myTabConcat(arg, ' '))
	    if (pipePosition ~= 2) then 
		ERROR("Wrong pipe position in DBG!") ; return 
            local thead, tdata = {}, {}
            local valStartIndex, valEndIndex, valCurIndex = 3, #arg, pipePosition 
            for th in string.gmatch(arg[1], "%S+") do 
		valCurIndex = valCurIndex + 1 
                if (valCurIndex > valEndIndex) then 
                    ERROR("Values row is shorter in DBG!") ; return 
                th, td = align2Strings(th, tostring(arg[valCurIndex]))
                table.insert(thead, th)  ; table.insert(tdata, td) 	
	     if (valCurIndex < valEndIndex) then 
		ERROR("thead row is shorter in DBG!") ; return 
	     DEBUG(myTabConcat(thead, ' ') ) ; DEBUG(myTabConcat(tdata, ' ') )

Then the print output can be enhanced like this:

The ENABLE_DEBUG flag should be global boolean variable in the calling script. You may just to set it when needed and save the script.

ENABLE_DEBUG = true -- false will disable debug print

Sometimes you need to trace how a number of different scripts are running together, but want to filter out unneccesary lines in the communication log. Then you can use internal register of a string type for storing IDs of scripts where you want to enable log output. Inside each script you can check if its ID exists in the “enabled” list or no and control ENABLE_DEBUG variable. E.g.

thisScriptID = 43 -- ID is shown in the script list
local i,_,_ = string.find (                     -- use this function to find script ID in the list
                            R ("enDebugList"),  -- read enable string from the int. register
                            "%s+("..  thisScriptID ..")%s+") -- find a pattern of digit(s) inside spaces 
  if not i then -- equals to if ( i == nil ) 
     ENABLE_DEBUG = false 
     ENABLE_DEBUG = true

For complex tables print, you can use the following function:

function tprint(t, indent)
    if not indent then indent = 0 end 
    for k, v in pairs(t) do 
        local formatting = string.rep(' ', indent) .. k .. ': '
        if type(v) == "table" then 
            tprint(v, indent + 1) -- recursive call 
            if type(v) == "boolean" then 
                v = v and "TRUE" or "FALSE"
            ERROR(formatting .. v) 
    end -- for 
end -- tprint 

Date & Time operations

When you need to select different date - time numbers, you can use the following example:

function main (userId)
  local dateTimeTable ="*t", os.time())

Please refer to the Lua documentation site.

Running hours meter

Running hours meter accumulates the time while some equipment has been turned on.

function main (userId)
  runHoursMeter ( R ( "runHours_condition" ) == 1  , "runHours")
function runHoursMeter ( condition , meter_alias)
--[[ strores the time of prevous call in a _prevTime
when called, if condition is met adds diff. between current time and prevTime to _Acc
recieves prefix (meter_alias) and generates needed register aliases by adding suffix --]] 
    local now = os.time ()
    if condition then 
        local curAcc = R ( meter_alias .. "_Acc" ) 
        W (meter_alias .. "_Acc" , curAcc + ( now - R ( meter_alias .. "_prevTime" ) ) )
    W ( meter_alias .. "_prevTime", now ) -- store previous call time 

Three registers were used to demonstrate its work:

  • runHours_prevTime - this register stores the time of the previous function call. Type - Unix Type
  • runHours_Acc - accumulator for the running hours. Type - Double Word UInt, with the “Display as time duration” checkbox set
  • runHours_condition - to test how the function works from the interface this register is used. Type - Bit.


You can create your timers preventing jittering unnecessary input, which leads to mulitple alert generation or other action, prolongate some states after they changed.

Below some examples are provided:

  • Simple - Ton/Toff timers. These ones keep their state in the script's global vars, so each time the project restarts, they will be initialized. For most cases that's enough.
  • Reset-Restart proof timers. These timer keep their state in the external registers, so they are tolerant to even project restart. Use these timers for critical control.

Simple TON timer

-------------------------------- TON simple timer -----------------------------
TonClass = {}
function TonClass :new()
    self.__index = self 
    return setmetatable({stamp = os.time(), out = false,}, self)
function TonClass :__call(inputCondition, onDelay)
    local now = os.time()
    if (inputCondition ~= self.out) then 
        if (not inputCondition) then 
            self.out = false                               -- immediate off  
            local timeDifference = now - self.stamp        -- check the time passed for the true condition 
            if (timeDifference < onDelay) then 
                DEBUG("going to sw on in " .. onDelay - timeDifference)  
                return self.out             
                self.out = true ; DEBUG("Switched on!")                        -- sw self on!  
    self.stamp = now 
    return self.out 
end -------------------------------- end of timer ------------------------------
function main (userId)
  local REQUIRED_DELAY = 15 -- seconds 
  if not TonTimer then 
      TonTimer = TonClass :new()
  DEBUG("ton state now = " .. tostring(TonTimer(true, REQUIRED_DELAY)))

Simple TOFF timer

toff_proto = {}  toff_proto.__index = toff_proto
    return setmetatable({d = delay,
                         stamp = os.time(), 
                         out    = false,
                        }, toff_proto)
function toff_proto:__call(in_)
    local now = os.time()
    if (in_ ~= self.out) then 
        if in_ then 
            self.out = true                -- immediate ton!  
            local diff = now - self.stamp
            if diff < self.d then 
                DEBUG("going to sw off in " .. self.d - diff)
                return self.out             -- don't update stamp 
                DEBUG("Switched off!") ; self.out = false  
    self.stamp = now 
    return self.out 

Universal Timer (TON / TOFF)

The timer compares its current state with the input condition:

  • current state = 0, input = 1 - the timer will switch on its output after onDelay time. If the offDelay parameter = 0, then it will be “pure” TON timer
  • current state = 1, input = 0 - the timer will switch off its output after offDelay time. If the onDelay parameter = 0, then it will be “pure” TOFF timer

Two external registers are needed for this function to work:

  • a register with “timer_name” script alias of a Unix Time type - to store the time stamp of the rising / falling edge on the input
  • a register with “timer_name_out” script alias of of a Bit type - to keep timer state between calls (in case of project restart etc. )

Use sensible names for the register script aliases - to associate clearly aliases with the “real” equipment. This will greatly improve code readability. E.g. if you want to use timer to mask some alert condition from pressure sensor #1, you might use “lowP1_AlertTmr”and “lowP1_AlertTmr_out” aliases.

function Timer (bool_input, onDelay, offDelay, tmrAlias)
--                bool      sec to ON  sec to OFF  string alias
local now , nowString, curTimeStamp, curTmrState =  
os.time(),"%c", now), R(tmrAlias), TRUE(tmrAlias .."_out")     
    DBG("Timer State Stamp", "|", tmrAlias, curTmrState,"%c", curTimeStamp)) 
-- protects from malfunctions on very first run 
if curTimeStamp == 0 then 
    DBG("curTimeStamp was zero in this timer!")
    WriteReg(tmrAlias, now)
    return nil, 0 -- countdown 
    -- in and output are equal                                                     
if (bool_input == curTmrState) then 
        WriteReg(tmrAlias, now) ; DBG("timer inputs match") 
        return curTmrState, 0   -- as bool 
                            -- TON     
elseif bool_input then 
         if ((now - curTimeStamp) > onDelay) then 
             SET(tmrAlias .."_out") ; WriteReg(tmrAlias, now) ; DBG("detected ON state after delay")
             return true, 0  
            local countDown = onDelay - (now - curTimeStamp) ; DBG("countdown to On in ", countDown)
            return curTmrState, countDown
                            -- TOFF     
elseif not bool_input then 
        if ((now - curTimeStamp) > offDelay) then   
            RESET(tmrAlias .."_out") ; WriteReg (tmrAlias, now) ; DBG("detected OFF state after delay")
            return false, 0   
            local countDown = offDelay - (now - curTimeStamp) ; DBG("countdown to OFF in ", countDown)
            return curTmrState, countDown
end -- Timer func 
Note: This function should be called in every scan, i.e. don't put it inside "ifs", otherwise it won't update the 
timestamp and may not work properly.

Generating alert messages with time - delay

Generating alerts is a common thing in remote monitoring application. Becuase the system being monitoring can “balance” on the “alert / normal” point there should be made some time delay to filter alerts, especially when they are sent via messaging systems (e-mails, viber, telegram, sms)

PRESSURE_AL_DELAY = 60 -- seconds
function main(userID)
   local error_condition = R("pressure") >= PRESSURE_HIGH_LEVEL
   local alTmrState = R("pAlerTmr_out") -- remember current timer state before calling a Timer function
   if Timer(error_condition, PRESSURE_AL_DELAY, 0, "pAlerTmr") then 
        if alTmrState == 0 then -- alert rise
            SendSMS("380679999999", "Pressure is over High Limit!")
        if alTmrState == 1 then -- alert fall
            SendSMSMessage("380679999999", "Pressure is normal now.")

Filtering frequent messaging

When you want to filter too frequent messaging from WebHMI, e.g. about alerts to the Telegram or else, you can use the following script :

TELEGRAM_BOT_ID = "974482918"                -- your telegram chat bot id 
-- TELEGRAM_BOT_DDS = "569335646" 
curAlertsNum = 0                            -- global counter for current active alerts
blockingTimer = {
                    turnedOn = false, 
                    timeStamp = 0,
                    timerDelay = 5 * 60, 
function blockingTimer : method(argument) 
    local now = os.time()
    if (self.timeStamp == 0) then 
        self.timeStamp = now      -- init for 1st call 
    if (argument == 'set') then 
        self.turnedOn = true 
        self.timeStamp = now 
    if self.turnedOn and (now - self.timeStamp > self.timerDelay) then 
        self.turnedOn = false 
        local countDown = self.timerDelay - (now - self.timeStamp) 
        DEBUG("masking new alerts with blockingTimer: " .. countDown) 
    return self.turnedOn
function main (userId)
  local alerts = GetCurrentAlerts()
  if (not blockingTimer : method()) and (#alerts > curAlertsNum)  then -- number has increased, # - means count table elements
      local alertNames = {} ; DEBUG("Alert count has increased!")
      for alertIndex, astruc in ipairs(alerts) do 
          table.insert(alertNames, astruc.title)
      alertNames = table.concat(alertNames, ', ')
      SendTelegramMessage(TELEGRAM_BOT_ID, "Current alerts are: " .. alertNames)
      blockingTimer : method('set')
  curAlertsNum = #alerts

Moving average

The moving average is useful for smoothing the values ​​of parameters that have noises, pulsations so to avoid unneccessary control outputs reacting to unwanted noise.

Algorithm of the moving average: at the beginning of the filter on the sample, N values ​​are counted by the arithmetic mean, after reaching the end of the sample, one element is discarded (by dividing the sum by the length of the queue), a new one is added instead of it, and the amount is again divided by the length of the queue.

function MovingAverage(reg, filter)
    local Q_DEPTH , queue_fill, av_sum  = 10 , 
                                          R(filter .. "_fill"), 
                                          R(filter .. "_sum")
    local in_value, tmp_var, out_value  = R(reg), 0, 0 -- read input and initialize some vars
    if (queue_fill < Q_DEPTH) then           -- queue not filled yet
        av_sum = av_sum + in_value           -- accumulator
        queue_fill = queue_fill + 1          -- inc. index
    else                                     -- now the queue full
        tmp_var = av_sum / Q_DEPTH           -- calc. weight of the one element of the queue
        av_sum = av_sum - tmp_var + in_value -- subtract it and add new input value 
    if (queue_fill == Q_DEPTH ) then         -- if filled 
          out_value = av_sum / Q_DEPTH       -- calc. as current accumulator / queue lentgh, moving average
          out_value = av_sum / queue_fill    -- not filled then mean average 
                                             -- remember state
    W (filter .. "_sum", av_sum) 
    W (filter .. "_fill" , queue_fill) 
    return out_value
end -- MovingAverage 

Two registers are required for this script -

  • accumulator for the sum, e.g. “meanOutsideT_sum
  • current queue index “meanOutsideT_fill

ON-OFF control

Function based

include "LIB"
SP, ZONE        = 30, 0.5 -- °C 
PV_REG, OUT_REG = 21, 50  -- id of the registers with process value and output 
function tempControl(sp, pv, zone, out, inZone) -- on - off function ---
    local inZone_ = (pv >= (sp - zone)) and (pv <= sp) and TRUE(inZone)
    if (pv >= sp) then 
    elseif (pv < (sp - zone) ) then 
    DEBUG("sp pv " .. sp .. ' ' .. pv)
    U(out, not (pv >= sp or inZone_) )
function main (userId) ------- Main body ---------------------
    tempControl(SP, R(PV_REG), ZONE, OUT_REG, "inZoneControl")

Object programming style

include "LIB"
tempControl = {} -- on-off control obj ---------------------------------------
function tempControl : new (pvReg, outputReg, inZoneReg) -- constructor & init 
    self.__index = self 
    return setmetatable( { pvReg     = pvReg, 
                           out       = outputReg,
                           inZoneReg = inZoneReg
function tempControl : __call (sp, zone)  -- controller 
    local pv = R(self.pvReg)  ; DEBUG("sp pv " .. sp .. ' ' .. pv)
    local inZone = (pv >= (sp - zone)) and (pv <= sp) and TRUE(self.inZoneReg)
    if (pv >= sp) then 
    elseif (pv < (sp - zone) ) then 
    U(self.out, not (pv >= sp or inZone))
-------------------------- Main ---------------------------------------------------------    
SP, ZONE        = 30, 0.5 -- °C 
PV_REG, OUT_REG = 21, 50  -- id of the registers 
function main (userId)
    -- creates obj 
    if (not control) then
        control = tempControl : new (PV_REG, OUT_REG, "inZoneControl") 
    control(SP, ZONE)

Both examples use the following library

function TRUE(reg)  -- checks if value is 1 
    return (R(reg) == 1)
function NOT(reg) -- checks if value is 0 
    return (R(reg) == 0)
function SET(reg) -- sets reg to 1 
    local curValue = R(reg)
    if curValue and (curValue ~= 1) then 
        W(reg, 1)
function RESET(reg) -- sets reg to 0  
    local curValue = R(reg)
    if curValue and (curValue ~= 0) then 
        W(reg, 0)
function U(reg, new_value) -- Updates values only when it differs from the target register content 
    local cur_value = R(reg)
    if (cur_value ~= nil and new_value ~= nil) then 
        if (type(new_value) == 'boolean') then -- protect from boolean value 
            new_value = new_value and 1 or 0         
        if (new_value ~= cur_value) then 
            W(reg, new_value)
        ERROR("Could not update value in reg" .. reg .. ' with a value of ' .. tostring(new_value))

Another way of creating objects:

ObjConstructor = {}
setmetatable(ObjConstructor, {
            	__call = function(self, delay)  -- init method 
                    		local o = {
                    			delay = delay   -- put init data here 
                    		-- now may add methods to the prototype 
                    		return setmetatable(o, {__index = self}) 
function ObjConstructor : oneShot()
	local now = os.time()
	if (not self.stamp or (now - self.stamp >= self.delay) )  then 
	    self.stamp = now 
	    return true 
        return false 
function main (userId)
  if (not tmr) then 
      local ONE_SHOT_DELAY = 10 
      tmr = ObjConstructor(ONE_SHOT_DELAY)
  DEBUG( tostring(tmr : oneShot() )  )

PID - control

An example of implementing a PID controller in WebHMI:

function PID ( sp , pv , c_alias)
                                                    DBG ( "Entered PID for ", c_alias )
  local now, nexTime = os.time() , R ( c_alias .. ".nextPidTime" )
  local CYCLE_TIME = R ( c_alias..".pidCycleTime" )
  local ZONE = 0.2                -- can alse be an external setting 
  -- параметры регулятора 
  local Kp = R ( c_alias..".Kp" ) 
  local Ti =  R (c_alias..".Ki" ) 
  local Td = R (c_alias..".Kd" ) 
  local Int_sum = R ( c_alias..".pidIntegral" ) -- integral part accumulator
  local G = R (c_alias .. ".pidOut") 
  local  Err =   sp - pv           ;                DBG ( "current Error = ", Err )
     -- add some tolerance for error 
  if ( math.abs ( Err ) <= ZONE ) then Err = 0 end 
                                                    DBG(" seconds left for PID cycle = "..tostring(nexTime - now))
  if ( now >= nexTime ) then 
        W ( c_alias..".nextPidTime", now + CYCLE_TIME)   -- calc. next cycle time 
        local dErr = Err - R (c_alias..".pidPrevError" ) 
            -- calc. integral limit 
        local iSUM_LIMIT = G_LIMIT * (Ti / Kp)
   --integral part check 
        if (Ti == 0) then 
            Int_sum = 0 
            Int_sum = Int_sum + Err 
            -- check limits of integral part 
                if Int_sum >= iSUM_LIMIT then 
                    Int_sum = iSUM_LIMIT 
                elseif Int_sum < 0 then
                    Int_sum = 0 
                    -- undefined if  
        G = Round(Kp * (Err + (Int_sum / Ti) + Td * dErr)) 
        -- check output and limit 
        if (G < 0) then G = 0  end
        if (G > G_LIMIT) then G = G_LIMIT end
        -- refresh outputs 
        W (c_alias..".pidPrevError", Err) 
        W (c_alias..".dErr", dErr) 
        W (c_alias.. ".pidIntegral", Int_sum) 
        W (c_alias..".pidOut", G) 
   end -- time stamp 
   return G 
end  -- PID 

This algorithm is typical for use in PLCs. Because the regulator is run at regular intervals, i.e. diff. and int. the components are always computed on the same time scale, so it is not necessary to divide and multiply them by time to obtain the derivative and integral, we can select the time constants Ti, Td. In this algorithm, Ti is an inverse quantity (the larger its value, the smaller the contribution of the integral error).

In this example the register are addressed with “connection.alias”, i.e. the script will look for register with name “alias” in the connection “connection”.

Fixed quantity circulation with PID

This algorithm allows to precisely control process variable (temperature, pressure etc. ) with PID control which transfers its output for smooth control to only one power unit (current active unit - A/C, heater, fan section etc.), while other units work at maximal or minimal output.

function CircControl ( sp, pv, alias )
    local TOTAL_CH = 3                                     -- total channels 
    local G_MIN, G_MAX = 0 , 100                           -- limits of pid output
    local tmrSwDelay = R ( alias .. "pidCycleTime" ) * 3 
    local G = PID ( sp, pv, alias)                   DBG ( "CircControl pidOut = ", G )
    local curCh = R ( alias .. "curCh")              DBG ( "curCh", curCh )
    -- filtering small error 
    local err = sp - pv 
    if ( math.abs ( err ) <= 0.2 ) then err = 0 end 
    local fwTimer = alias .. "fw_Tmr"
                                                     DBG ( "fw pre-cond. - ", NOT ( fwTimer .. "_out") , (err < 0), ( G == G_MIN ) )
    if  Timer ( ( err < 0 ) and ( G == G_MIN ) , tmrSwDelay , 0 , fwTimer ) then 
                                                 -- if stay too long with negarive error, decrease cnannel            
            if ( curCh + 1 ) <= TOTAL_CH then 
                                                    DBG ( "fw condition detected!, curCh now = ", curCh )
                curCh = curCh + 1 
                W ( alias .."curCh", curCh ) 
                                                 -- and set max. output for the lower channel 
                G = 100                          -- for smooth switching
                W (alias .. "pidOut", G  )
                W (alias .. "pidIntegral", 1000) 
    local backTimer = alias .. "back_Tmr"
                                                     DBG ( "back pre-cond. - ", NOT ( backTimer .. "_out") , (err > 0), ( G == G_MAX ) )
                                                     -- if stay too long with positive error, increase cnannel   
    if Timer ( ( err > 0 ) and ( G == G_MAX ) , tmrSwDelay , 0 , backTimer ) then 
        if (curCh - 1) >= 1 then 
                                                     DBG ( "back condition detected!, curCh now = ", curCh )
            curCh = curCh - 1 
            W ( alias .."curCh", curCh ) 
                                                   -- and set low output value for the next channel
                                                   -- for smooth switching
            G = 0 
            W (alias .. "pidIntegral", G ) 
            W (alias .. "pidOut", G )
    -- pid output transferred to current channel, lower channels work at minimal, higher 
    -- channels at maximal output
    local ch_values = { 0 , 0 , 0 } 
    for i = 1 , 3 do 
        if ( i < curCh ) then     
            ch_values [i] = G_MIN 
        elseif ( i == curCh )  then 
            ch_values [i] = G 
        elseif ( i > curCh ) then 
            ch_values [i] = G_MAX
            DBG ("Undefined if in ch_values assignment, Line:94 ")
    end -- for 
                                                    ; DBG ( "now channels are:", ShowTable ("%f" , ch_values) )
    return ch_values[1], ch_values[2], ch_values[3]

Time Circulation algorithm (together with redundancy function)

This algorithm is used in systems where it is necessary to alternate the operation of mechanisms (pumps, fans, air conditioners) over time, or on the run hour meters. For example, a set of 2 units is used, which must be alternated in time. If an error occurs on some unit, then the algorithm starts working only on the working (redundancy function). An example of setting the required registers is given below:

include "common.lib" ; include "bit.lib"  ; ENABLE_DEBUG = true 
AL = {LOW_P_BIT = 3, DRY_RUN_BIT = 2}
function main (userId)      
    local PAUSE_BEFORE_SW_ON = 10                        -- sec. 
    local C_TMR_ON_DELAY     = R("pumpCircTime") * 3600  -- 30 sec. 
    local alerts      = R("alertsRegister")
    local pressure_Ok = not hasbit(alerts, AL.LOW_P_BIT) and not hasbit(alerts, AL.DRY_RUN_BIT)
    local winter      = TRUE('winter_season_flag')
    local p1_Ok = NOT("oL_relay")   and TRUE("p1Auto") and  winter and pressure_Ok
    local p2_Ok = NOT("p2OL_relay") and TRUE("p2Auto") and  winter and pressure_Ok
    local leadPump = R('abLeadPump')    -- active pump 
    if not p1_on_tmr then               -- sw on timers 
        p1_on_tmr = ; p2_on_tmr = 
    local p1_cmd   = p1_on_tmr(p1_Ok and (leadPump == 1), PAUSE_BEFORE_SW_ON) 
    OUT(p1_cmd, "pumpOnOff")                
    local p2_cmd   = p2_on_tmr(p2_Ok and (leadPump == 2), PAUSE_BEFORE_SW_ON) 
    OUT(p2_cmd, "p2OnOff")
    DBG("winter alerts pressure_Ok p1_Ok p2_Ok p1_cmd p2_cmd", '|', 
         winter, alerts, pressure_Ok, p1_Ok, p2_Ok, p1_cmd, p2_cmd)
    local circTmr = Timer(p1_Ok and p2_Ok, C_TMR_ON_DELAY, 0, "pumpCirculationTmr")
    if circTmr then 
        leadPump = (leadPump == 1) and 2 or 1 
    if (p1_Ok and not p2_Ok) then leadPump = 1 end 
    if (p2_Ok and not p1_Ok) then leadPump = 2 end 
    if not (p1_Ok or p2_Ok)  then leadPump = 0 end 
    if (p1_Ok and p2_Ok and (leadPump == 0)) then 
        leadPump = 1
    UpdReg("abLeadPump", leadPump) 

Also here you need a script that will expose the flags of errors of work on certain conditions, read the status of the protection devices, the error registers on the interface, and so on.

3-point control for a valve or servo

A 3-point method is used to control the position of the valve, servo, gate valve, etc., when 3 wires are used to control the drive - 'common', 'power UP', 'power - DOWN'. Such drives may or may not be equipped with end position sensors. Sometimes, in the absence of position sensors and low requirements for positioning accuracy, an algorithm can be used when the drive leaves down or up (either one position sensor or one command for a time longer than the valve's full travel time), initializes the coordinate, and then go to the specified position.

To determine intermediate positions, a calculated value is used, determined from the characteristics of the 'full path time', which can also be determined experimentally.

Below is a variant of 3-point control for a valve withoutlimit switches.

function valveControl(v)
    local FULL_PATH_TIME = R(v .. "pathTime") ; local KOEF = 100 / FULL_PATH_TIME
    local HOMING_DELAY = R(v .. "homingDelay") * 60 * 60 -- get seconds from hours  
    local auto, autoOpenCmd, autoCloseCmd, now = 
          TRUE("auto_mode"), TRUE(v .. "openCmd"), TRUE(v .. "closeCmd"), os.time()
local motionTmr = function() -- calc. path quant passed from last call 
    local quant = 0
    if (autoOpenCmd or autoCloseCmd) then 
          quant = (now - R(v .. "motionTmr")) * KOEF ; SET(v .. "valveStatus") -- opening 
          if autoCloseCmd  then  
              quant = quant * (-1)          -- closing 
              UpdReg(v .. "valveStatus", 2) 
          RESET(v .. "valveStatus")
          quant = 0 
    end  -- if motion 
    UpdReg(v .. "motionTmr", now)     -- remember last call 
    return quant
end -- motionTmr 
    local pos = Limiter(Round(R(v .. "curPosition")) + motionTmr(), 0, 100)
    local sp = R(v .. "posSetpoint")  
    local uShoot, oShoot = (pos < sp), (pos > sp) 
    local homingOut = TRUE(v .. "homingTmr_out")
    local homing = Timer(not homingOut, HOMING_DELAY, FULL_PATH_TIME * 2, v .. "homingTmr")
    if not homingOut and homing then 
        AddInfoMessage("Started homing for valve " .. v)
    OUT(auto and uShoot and not homing or (not auto and TRUE(v .. "manOpenCmd")), v .. "openCmd")
    OUT(auto and oShoot or homing or (not auto and TRUE(v .. "manCloseCmd")),  v .. "closeCmd")
    UpdReg(v .. "curPosition", pos)
    DBG("auto sp pos autoOpenCmd autoCloseCmd uShoot oShoot ", '|', 
           auto, sp, Round(pos, 1), autoOpenCmd, autoCloseCmd, uShoot, oShoot)

Other handy functions

-- round a value with set precision 
function Round (num, numDecimalPlaces)
  local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
  return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
-- checks if value within range 
function InRange (min, max, value)
    if (value >= min) and (value <= max) then 
        return true 
        return false 
-- scaling based on y = kx + b formula 
function linearCalc ( value, x1, x2 , y1, y2 )
    local k = (y1 - y2 ) / (x1 - x2 )   
    local b = y1 - k * x1               
    local y = k * value + b             
    return y 
function GetTimeFromHHMM(arg1, arg2 , type, incYearFlag) -- get UNIX time from the month day hour minute
    -- type HHMM - using hour minutes
    -- type mmdd - using day month
    local dateTable ="*t", now) 
    local result = 0 
    produces the table
    {year = 1998, month = 9, day = 16, yday = 259, wday = 4,
     hour = 23, min = 48, sec = 10, isdst = false}
    if (type == "HHMM") then 
            dateTable.hour = arg1
            dateTable.min = arg2
            dateTable.sec = 0 
            return os.time(dateTable)
    elseif (type == "mmdd") then 
   = arg1
            dateTable.month = arg2 
            dateTable.sec = 0 
            if incYearFlag then 
                dateTable.year = dateTable.year + 1 
            result = os.time(dateTable)
             DEBUG("GetTimeFromHHMM going to return this - ""%c",result))
            return result
        ERROR("Undefined if in GetTimeFromHHMM")
end -- GetTimeFromHHMM
function U(reg, new_value)     -- U = UpdateReg
    local cur_value = R(reg)
    if (cur_value ~= nil and new_value ~= nil) then 
        if (type(new_value) == 'boolean') then 
            new_value = new_value and 1 or 0         -- to update bit registers from boolean conditions exressions 
        if (new_value ~= cur_value) then 
            W(reg, new_value)
        ERROR("Could not update value in reg" .. reg .. ' with a value of ' .. tostring(new_value))
function P_TRIG(var, previous)
    -- возваращет pos / neg  если было обнаружено изменение 
    -- false - если не было зименения 
    -- пред. состояние запоминается в previous
    DEBUG("P_TRIG was called with this " .. var .. " " ..previous)
    local curVar = R(var)       
    if not curVar then return false end 
    local prevVar = R(previous) ; DEBUG(" p_trig " .. curVar .. " " .. prevVar)
    W (previous, curVar)
    if (curVar ~= prevVar) then 
        if curVar > prevVar then 
            return "positive" 
            return "negative"
            return false -- nothing happened 
end -- P_TRIG 
-- multiple ids or aliases read, returns table, have to be unpack() 'ed
-- usage: v1, v2, v3... = unpack(mRead(1, 2, 3, ...))
function mRead(...) 
     local results = {} 
     for i = 1, #arg do 
         local param = arg[i]
        --  INFO("processing " .. param .. " paramter")
          results[i] = GetReg(param)
     if (#results == 1) then 
         return results[1]
         return results

PLC - like control

If you are an experienced user of PLC and get used to Ladder Diagram or FBD languge, in the beginning you may feel difficult to adapt to writing the same algorithms in WebHMI script editor.

But using above mentioned handy funtions and writing your own analogs of your PLC function you can get almost the same short and clear code almost identical to ladder diagram.

E.g. let's consider this ladder network from Siemens Tia Portal, which enables running Pump 1 and Pump 2 depending on day time and other conditions:

The same logic could be written like this -

function main (userId)
  -- Pump 1 & 2 logic 
local  if_pump1_2_run = (TRUE("nightTime")  
                          TRUE("halfPeadEnable") and InRange(R("hPeakStart"), R("hPeakEnd"), os.time ())
                          TRUE("enableCheckPumps")) and TRUE("genAutoMode") and NOT("criticalAlert") 
  OUT(if_pump1_2_run, "pump1_OnCmd") 
  OUT(if_pump1_2_run, "pump2_OnCmd")  

Self-masking filter for the physical button (one-shot)

Sometimes it is important to control a series of actions with a guaranteed delay between them, i.e.avoid “sticking” action together when the actions are initiated with a button.

The button or other signal may have duration in time, but this signal is used for one-shot pulse to trigger next action. In the ladder program, this could be done like this:

Using handy lua functions from above, it could be written in this way:

function main (userId)
  -- after pressing physical button 
  -- generate one-scan event and then block itself for set delay 
  local SELF_MASK_DELAY = 8 -- seconds 
  local enCond = TRUE("button") and NOT ("lockTmr_out") ;  OUT(enCond , "evTrigger")
  if enCond then
      AddInfoMessage("triggered button and masked itself for " .. SELF_MASK_DELAY .. ' ' .. "seconds") 
  Timer(TRUE("button" ), 0 , SELF_MASK_DELAY , "lockTmr") 

The video how this code works on registers:

You can check how the script worked in the messages log (the second message was generated from the event with enabled 'Add log message' option):

Detecting rise / fall edge of the signals

function P_TRIG(var, previous)
    -- detect rising or falling state of the register var
    -- false for nil input 
    -- previous regoster value stored in previous register (id or alias)
    DEBUG("P_TRIG was called with this " .. var .. " " ..previous)
    local curVar = R(var)       
    if not curVar then return false end 
    local prevVar = R(previous) ; DEBUG(" p_trig " .. curVar .. " " .. prevVar)
    W(previous, curVar)
    if (curVar ~= prevVar) then 
        if (curVar > prevVar) then 
            return "positive" 
            return "negative"
            return false -- nothing happened 
end -- P_TRIG 
-- usage example 
function main(userId)
    if P_TRIG("pulseId", "pulsePreviousValue") == "positive" then 
        local counterNewValue = R("counterId") + 1
        W("counterId", counterNewValue)
-- Another version using global callable object
P_TRIG = setmetatable({},  -- callable objects like P_TRIG_FOR_COUNTER ... 
         {__call = function(self, regToTrack) 
                      -- init section 
                      local newValue = R(regToTrack)
                      if (not self.previousValue) then 
                          self.previousValue = newValue  
                          return false 
                      -- main logic 
                      local result 
                      if (self.previousValue ~= newValue) then 
                          if (newValue > self.previousValue) then 
                              result = 'rise'
                              result = 'fall'
                          result = false 
                      self.previousValue = newValue -- store previous value 
                      return result
                  end } )
-- usage 
function main(userId)
    local ptrig = P_TRIG("testReg2") -- only one call in scan is correct!
    if (ptrig == "rise") then 
        DEBUG("rise detected!")
    elseif (ptrig == "fall") then 
        DEBUG("fall detected!")
        DEBUG("nothing detected!")

Curve handler

This is the library. For more information about the what it is and how to use it click here: Curves

- curves.lib
function GetCurveValue ( curve_register, x_to_find_y  )
    --Curve handler 
        Put curve register as first argument and X coordinate as second.
        Get as result status if it is inside curve range of outside(false) and the Y value as second output argument
        curve_status, value = GetCurveValue( "curve_for_current_hour", current_hour )
    table = cjson.decode( R ( curve_register ) )
    -- inRangeCurve( table, x_to_find_y )
    for _, value in ipairs( table ) do --piecewise handler inside range of the curve
        if ( value.range[1] <= x_to_find_y and x_to_find_y < value.range[2] ) then 
            -- in_range_status, index_curve_piece, y = true, index, curveLinearCalc( x_to_find_y, value.k, value.b )
            in_range_status, y = true, ( x_to_find_y * value.k + value.b )
            return in_range_status, y
    if  x_to_find_y < table[1].range[1] then -- behaivior for outside left-sided
        -- in_range_status, index_curve_piece, y = false, 1, curveLinearCalc( table[1].range[1], table[1].k*0, table[1].b ) --table[1].b
        in_range_status, index_curve_piece, y = false, 1, ( table[1].range[1] * table[1].k + table[1].b ) --table[1].b
        return in_range_status, y
    elseif x_to_find_y > table[#table].range[2] then -- behaivior for outside right-sided
        -- in_range_status, index_curve_piece, y = false,#table,curveLinearCalc( table[#table].range[2], table[#table].k, table[#table].b ) --table[#table].b
        in_range_status,  y = false,#table,( table[#table].range[2] * table[#table].k + table[#table].b)
        return in_range_status, y
    return in_range_status, y 

Example of usage:

- curves getter
include "curves.lib"
function main (userId)
    local t ="*t", os.time()) 
    current_hour = tonumber(t.hour)
    curve_status, y = GetCurveValue( "curve_for_current_hour", current_hour )
    WriteReg("value_for_current_hour", y) 

Detection of change of state

Sometimes you may need take actions upon changing any of the registers in a set. The following script's idea is to use one function to track changes of the respective registers, looking at their prevous value stored in a global structure (table) which is keeping between script execution.

include "lib.lib"
function main (userId)
------------------------ INIT (create globals) ---------------------  
  if (not startedFlag) then  
        detect = { curMinute = {regId = 1, prevValue = 0},  -- register's context 
                   stateReg  = {regId = 2, prevValue = 0}   -- which registes to track 
        mt = {__call = function(self, row)                  -- one method can detect as many registes as set in 
                           local me = self[row]             -- the detect table above 
                           local curValue = R(me.regId)
                           if (not curValue) then return false end 
                           local result 
                           if (not startedFlag) then 
                               me.prevValue = curValue ; result = false 
                               if (R(me.regId) ~= me.prevValue) then 
                                   DEBUG("change of state detected for " .. row)
                                   me.prevValue = curValue ; result = true 
                                   me.prevValue = curValue ; result =  false 
                            return result
      setmetatable(detect, mt)
      prevAlerts = #GetCurrentAlerts()  
      startedFlag = true  -- avoid this block further
 ----------------------- MAIN -----------------------
     local alerts = GetCurrentAlerts() 
     local alertCount = #alerts
     if (alertCount > prevAlerts) or detect("curMinute") or detect("stateReg") then -- run on any of changes 
         local jsonToSend = cjson.encode({stateRegister = R(2), activeAlerts = (#alerts > 0) and 1 or 0})
         W(4, jsonToSend) -- to external register 
         W(6, jsonToSend) -- to custom protocol
     prevAlerts = alertCount


In some projects, due to bad quality of the comm. lines your values can flicker like “3.14” (good one) and “-” (no data). That may confuse the users of the system and spoil graph curves. To filter these values for the safe timeout, you can use the script below. The script shold be set as running on each scan and will do the following:

  1. use the table with pairs of `register to be filetered - its safe copy` and respective counter
  2. if the value is read just copy it to the safe copy,
  3. otherwise, start counting errors for this particular register
  4. write invalid value after a nubmer of failed attempts
READ_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_ERR     =  10     -- scan count before setting invalid value 
INVALID_VALUE                = -100000 -- invalid value sign 
filter = { {reg = 1, safeCopy = 2, errCount = 0},  -- what to filter 
           {reg = 3, safeCopy = 4, errCount = 0} } -- and where to store 
function main (userId)
function runFilter(f)
    for _, fstruc in ipairs(f) do 
         local curVal = R(fstruc.reg)
         if (curVal) then 
            W(fstruc.safeCopy, curVal) 
	    fstruc.errCount = 0 
	     if (fstruc.errCount >= READ_ATTEMPTS_BEFORE_ERR) then
		W(fstruc.safeCopy, INVALID_VALUE)
		fstruc.errCount = fstruc.errCount + 1 		

Processing double float numbers

function main (userId)
    local test_hi =  0x3FBF98AD
    local test_lo =  0x0A8FA5FB  
    INFO("d2float = " .. d2float(test_hi, test_lo))
function d2float(hi, lo)  ----------------------- CONVERT DOUBLE FLOAT TO FLOAT ---------------------------
	local function getNumberFromTab(tab, start, length)  -- get a number from table 
		local result_str = ""
		for i = start, (start + length - 1) do 
			result_str = result_str .. tostring(tab[i])
		return tonumber(result_str,2)
	local function dw_to_bits(hex_dw)
        local binMapper = {[0] = '0000', [1] = '0001', [2] = '0010', [3] = '0011',
                           [4] = '0100', [5] = '0101', [6] = '0110', [7] = '0111',
                           [8] = '1000', [9] = '1001', [0xA] = '1010', [0xB] = '1011',
                           [0xC] = '1100', [0xD] = '1101', [0xE] = '1110', [0xF] = '1111'
        local hex_str = string.format("%X", hex_dw)
        local len_remainder = 8 - #hex_str
        hex_str = (len_remainder > 0 and string.rep('0', len_remainder) .. hex_str) or hex_str
        local out = ''
        for i = 1, #hex_str do 
            local d = tonumber(hex_str:sub(i, i), 16) 
            local tetra  = binMapper[d] 
            out = out .. tetra
        return out 
	local NaN = tonumber("11111111111111111111111111111111", 2)
	local result_str = dw_to_bits(hi), dw_to_bits(lo)
	local result_tab = {}
	for i = 1, #result_str do 
	    local b = result_str:sub(i, i) 
	    table.insert(result_tab, b)
	local sign, exp, mantissa = 0, 0, 0
	local fraction_table = {} 				        -- fraction part table 
	sign = ((result_tab[1] == "1") and -1) or 1     -- get sign 
	exp = getNumberFromTab(result_tab, 2, 11)       -- get exp 
	for i = 13, 64 do 
		table.insert(fraction_table, result_tab[i]) -- mantissa
	for j = 1, 52 do 
		if (fraction_table[j]== "1") then 
		mantissa = mantissa +(2 ^(-1 * j))   		-- calc. mantissa by summing individual bits 
	mantissa = mantissa + 1
	local result_num = sign * (2 ^ (exp - 1023)) * mantissa
	----------------------------------------- exceptions ----------------------------------
	if exp == 0 then -- subnormals
	   result_num = sign*(2^(-1022))*(mantissa-1)
	if exp == 0x7ff then -- nan 
	   result_num = NaN;
   return result_num

You can test the example above here

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