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Managing users

In WebHMI, there is a mechanism for managing users and their roles. On a new device, one admin user and three roles are configured by default:

  • Admin - can perform any actions in the project
  • Operator - can use the ready project to change the values ​​on the dashboard and access only to allowed pages of the project
  • Read-only user - can only view the project running

However, there may be more roles and users. Users management page is located at Configuration→Users page. There is also a button for switching to the role editing menu.

The user can specify a name, an entry password, a page after entering the interface:

For each role, you can define valid actions for accessing parts of the project for viewing or editing. The following is an example of setting up a predefined role “Operator” (three pages of the long list are combined together from left to right):

managing_users.1543268234.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/26 21:37 by akuzmuk

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