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Functions to get access to registers

GetReg(variable_name[, connection_name])

The GetReg function returns the current value of the specified register.

Before version 3.2 following notation was used:

The variable name variable_name where variable_name is the value of Script alias from the register's settings. Instead of variable_name you can specify a number - the register ID. However, the register ID is a less obvious way and it complicates the reading of the program.

The optional parameter connection_name can be specified if in several different connections there are registers with the same variable_name. In this case, connection_name indicates from which particular connection it is necessary to read the register named variable_name. Also, instead of the string connection_name, you can specify the connection ID. However, again, constants complicate the reading of the code and it is preferable to use named lines.

Since version 3.2 new enhanced notation used:

There is no connection_name parameter anymore. variable_name is the only parameter. It can be in one of 3 following formats:

  1. number with register Id. Not recommended to use because it is hard to read code with hardcoded numbers. Example: GetReg(12)
  2. string with script alias of register. Example: GetReg(“speed”)
  3. string in format “connection_alias.register_alias” where first part is connection alias and second part is register alias. Example: GetReg(“mixer.speed”); In this example value or “speed” register from “mixer” connection will be fetched.

If the register was not found or was not read, then the value nil is returned.

For the convenience of selecting registers for GetReg, there is a special button in toolbar (4).

When you click on any of them, a pop-up window appears with a list of registers.

After clicking on the register of interest, the editor will insert the code with the identifier of the selected register (variable_name if exists or ID) and a comment with the register name, its address and the connection name.


The GetRegStatus function returns the status of specified register. Function works exactly like function GetReg.

On success function will return one of the following states:

  • unknown
  • disabled
  • normal
  • warning
  • alert

GetRegFromLog(variable_name, query_parameters)

The GetRegFromLog function fetches data from register log. varialbe_name is an identified of register (see GetReg function for details). query_parameters is a table with up to 4 parameters:

  • from (unixtime, required)
  • to (unixtime, required)
  • order (“ASC” or “DECS, ASC is default)
  • limit (integer number between 1 and 5000, 1000 is default)

Using these parameters WebHMI will construct query like: SELECT * FROM log WHERE reg = regId AND datetime >= from AND datetime ⇐ to ORDER by order LIMIT limit

On success function will return table with register records from log database. Each row is a table with following records:

  • state (unknown, disabled, normal, warning, alert)
  • regid (integer)
  • time (unixtime)
  • value (string)


function tprint (tbl, indent)
  if not indent then indent = 0 end
  for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
    formatting = string.rep("  ", indent) .. k .. ": "
    if type(v) == "table" then
      tprint(v, indent+1)
      ERROR(formatting .. v) 
function main (userId)
    now = os.time();
    data = GetRegFromLog("myconn.myreg", {from = now-3600, to = now, order = "desc", limit = 10});


Sep 13 17:37:25.098: ERROR: LUA scripts: 0: 
Sep 13 17:37:25.098: ERROR: LUA scripts:   state: disabled
Sep 13 17:37:25.098: ERROR: LUA scripts:   regid: 1
Sep 13 17:37:25.098: ERROR: LUA scripts:   time: 1536849431
Sep 13 17:37:25.098: ERROR: LUA scripts:   value: 1
Sep 13 17:37:25.598: ERROR: LUA scripts: 1: 
Sep 13 17:37:25.598: ERROR: LUA scripts:   state: disabled
Sep 13 17:37:25.598: ERROR: LUA scripts:   regid: 1
Sep 13 17:37:25.598: ERROR: LUA scripts:   time: 1536849410
Sep 13 17:37:25.598: ERROR: LUA scripts:   value: 0

SetReg(variable_name[,connection_name], new_value)

The SetReg function sets the current value of the register with the name of the variable variable_name to new_value for the current scan. This function DOES NOT send new value to external devices. When polling this register in subsequent cycles, the old value will be read.

Function returns 1 if an error occurred and 0 on success.

The parameters variable_name and connection_name work just like in the GetReg function. Since version 3.2 there is no more connection_name parameter.

WriteReg(variable_name[, connection_name], new_value)

The WriteReg function sets the current value of the register with the name of the variable variable_name (optionally you can specify the connection connection_name) to provided new_value for the current scan and writes this value to the external device in the beginning of the next cycle. When polling this register in subsequent scans, a new value will be read (if it was not changed by the device itself).

Function returns 1 if any error occurred and 0 on success.

The parameters variable_name and connection_name work just like in the GetReg function. Since version 3.2 there is no more connection_name parameter.

ApplyRecipe(recipeId, userId)

The ApplyRecipe function applies the recipe with the number recipeId on behalf of the user with id = userId. If this user does not have permissions for this recipe, the recipe will not be applied.

The application of the recipe is to write the corresponding values to the registers that are specified in the recipe.


The GetRecipeById function gets the recipe with the number recipeId. Function is available since WebHMI v 3.2.

On success table with following fields will be returned:

  • id - Recipe Id
  • title - Recipe title
  • registers - table with Register Id as key and new value as value

On error (recipe not found, etc) false will be returned.

get_access_to_registers.1547029620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/09 10:27 by akuzmuk

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