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Functions to work with alerts


The GetCurrentAlerts function returns a list of current alerts. Type of returned value is table. Its key is the alarm number, the value is the another table with the alert properties.

Alert properties are:

Key Description Data type
alertIdAlert id key in the project Number
title Alert name String
startTime Alert trigger time Number, UnixTime
alertLevel The flag indicates the alert can be confirmed. [1,2,3] Info, Warn, Alert
acknowledgedBy User name, who confirmed the alert. If the alert is not confirmed - empty string.String
acknowledgedTime Time, when the alert was confiremed. If the alert is not confirmed - 0.Number, UnixTime
canBeAcknowledged The flag indicates the alert can be confirmed. Boolean
groupIdThe id key of the group the alert belongs toNumber

Using this structure, it is possible to implement, for example, various notification scenarios about unconfirmed accidents.

An example of such program:

function main (userId)
  local now = os.time()
  local alerts = GetCurrentAlerts()
  for a_num, a in ipairs(alerts) do 
      INFO("Processing alert #" .. a_num)
    --   tprint(a)
      INFO(tostring(a.canBeAcknowledged) .. ' ' .. a.startTime)
      local time_diff = (now - a.startTime)
        if (a.canBeAcknowledged and (time_diff > ACK_DELAY_TOLERANCE)) then 
            ERROR("The alert " .. a.title .. " exceeded ack time!")
function tprint(t, indent)
    if not indent then indent = 0 end 
    for k, v in pairs(t) do 
        local formatting = string.rep(' ', indent) .. k .. ': '
        if type(v) == "table" then 
            tprint(v, indent + 1) -- recursive call 
            if type(v) == "boolean" then 
                v = v and "TRUE" or "FALSE"
            ERROR(formatting .. v) 
    end -- for 
end -- tprint 

Example of sending Telegram messages upon new alerts

Below is the example of how to send Telegram messages when the alert count has increased:

    Checks if number of alerts has increased and then sends message via 
TELEGRAM_BOT_ID = "229345xxxxx"                -- your telegram chat bot id 
active_alerts = 0                              -- global counter for current alerts
function main (userId)
  local alerts = GetCurrentAlerts()
  if (#alerts > active_alerts) then            -- number has increased, # - means count table elements
      local a_names = {}                       DEBUG("Alert count has increased!")
      for a_num, a in ipairs(alerts) do 
          INFO("Processing alert #" .. a_num)
          table.insert(a_names, a.title)
      a_names = table.concat(a_names, ', ')
      SendTelegramMessage(TELEGRAM_BOT_ID, "Current alerts are: " .. a_names)
  active_alerts = #alerts
current_alerts.1641292215.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/04 10:30 by emozolyak

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